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“Our China Doll”

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“Often we get asked “how did you know that you were supposed to adopt?” or “why did you feel you should adopt?” We always answer “because God told us to.” We all have a t-shirt that we love to wear for many reasons: it’s yellow, it always draws peoples attention and it sparks many conversations. The front says “Why Adopt?” And under that it says: “For the Bible tells me so.” And it does… James 1:27 says: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” We love the questions we get and the responses our children give. It makes my heart proud to hear our children say “We are supposed to adopt, God told us to.” The reality is that we were adopted into God’s kingdom as son’s and daughter’s (Ephesians 1:5) and without “adoption” we would live eternity in hell. God makes it very clear that orphans are close to His heart and therefore, they should be close to ours.(John 14:18)

The journey began when I was a young girl, God began tugging on my heart about adoption through television shows and the story of Moses from the Bible. I know you remember the brave and determined Hebrew woman that laid her son swaddled in blankets in a basket and sent him up river to be found by Pharaoh’s daughter. We had a picture Bible when I was growing up and I will forever remember the basket holding the baby above the water and the woman peeping through the tall grass as she watched her son be adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter. I have always talked about it and dreamed about it. Keith and I talked about my desire before we were even engaged. Our best friends adopted before us and we were blessed to be a part of their journey, but it wasn’t the time for us. About 7 years ago, I started researching adoption and stalking others’ blogs.

“Once our eyes are opened, we can’t pretend we don’t know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know, and holds us responsible to act.” – Proverbs 24:12

I would journal about adoption, pray to the Lord to open a financial door for us, and weep about the orphans out there who needed us. As you know, when you ask God to provide a way, He does, especially for something so dear to His own heart. We were blessed by friends giving their money, their time, and their stuff to help us. God provided in every way at every moment of need and he still does. Adoption isn’t easy, adoption isn’t always beautiful, but adoption is always worth it! So, hang in there if you are stepping out in obedience to adopt, but are waiting. Hang in there, if you haven’t started the process or if you are newly home with foggy brain trying to just get through the day. He will never leave you or forget you.

I can honestly say, that when you chose to adopt, God will teach you things that he can’t teach you any other way.

There are 147 million chances waiting to show you the love that God has for you!”

– Mary Margaret McDonald, one of our Grace Klein Community Forever Mamas

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