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Unspoken Aches to the Father

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“Where do you even start when you talk about prayer?

First, I’m going to recognize that every person reading this already has an idea or belief or experience (good or bad) associated with the act of prayer. Or maybe just the word itself.

That’s fine.

I can’t change that, but I can tell you a bit of my journey. And that’s not wrong. Because it’s mine.

Prayer is my unspoken aches to the Father. To my God. Through His Son.

Did I lose anyone yet?

How about… prayer is the ever evolving conversation with my Best Friend. He is the One that can get things done. And not only or always for my benefit or pleasure, but with the greatest love I’ve ever encountered. I’ve grown through the years in how I communicate with Him. I’ve been challenged. I’ve been reluctant. I’ve been silent. He’s been silent. But I know, I know, prayer is powerful and effective. And this is how I know…

I’ve been living in West Africa for over seven weeks now. Before I flew across an ocean for this new chapter I prayed and sought answers as to what this new community would look like. I wanted Africa. I wanted all the experiences and all the people. I talked to Him about my desires.

One Sunday at church… and sometimes when I’m not following the service or a preacher… I just listen to what God is wanting to say to me there. This particular Sunday He said: WALK. Just start walking. Just prayer walk. Hear Me and go. Be obedient to walk with other people.

OK. I’ll begin my Wednesday Walks with You this week. Thank You.

And that’s how that conversation went.

This week. This week!!! God “showed up” again. Long story, short – For a few days before my walk I had anticipated taking a right on the small back road near our daily commute. Instead, the day of my walk I took a right out of our campus onto the main road. Responding to however and why-ever He led. Super.

Long story, short – my first walk was brilliant. God helped me sum up with a goal, a purpose that will keep me going. Why are we doing this together, Father? Me: I want to become more aware of Holy Spirit speaking to and through me constantly. I want to practice to pray without ceasing. I want to willingly and humbly obey Him.

That night, as the whole school was on campus at an evening event, we had heard of an abduction on that same small back road near our daily commute. God rerouted me. And I followed.

I was NOT abducted because I was listening to my Father.  Thank God for prayer and the opportunity to have an intimate relationship with God.  My Wednesday Walks are holy.  He has called me to walk every day and I will walk.

*Please pray with me. Please think of me and the dear, dear people I, and we, interact with daily. Please pray for the streets we walk down. For Kingdom to come down to earth. For the people God is already speaking to. For my obedience to walk for His glory.” – Caitlin Woodward

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