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2011-05 Storm Response

May 2011


Wow, what a month it’s been. Many of us would probably agree that we’re trying to get used to a new normal. Here, at Grace Klein, we’ve heard countless stories of destruction, devastation, and sorrow, but at the same time, many stories of hope, courage, and beautiful, un-selfish love. All over Alabama, God’s people are taking advantage of this opportunity to show sacrificial love and point people to Christ’s love for their only hope. We have been incredibly blessed to see this community step up and love people in creative and far-reaching ways. Many of you have written notes of encouragement, sent donations of all kinds, gave up your own food boxes for others, went into devastated areas to talk to people and pray with them, cut up trees and hauled off debris, and came to sort donations and deliver them. We are amazed and inspired by your generosity and compassion.
Some things you can pray about with us over the coming months…
• That people would be drawn to Christ as a result of this storm. The devastation shows us how broken our world is and that we can’t put any hope in these temporary bodies, homes, or material possessions.
• People that don’t have insurance to rebuild or repair their homes and/or cars. Pray that they would trust God for their tangible needs.
• People that are rebuilding in the midst of destruction. Pray that they would have hope in the midst of many months of looking at ugly messes around them. Pray that they would be prompted to reach out and love their neighbors, especially if they never have before.
• People that lost a loved one or neighbor in the storm. Pray that God will help them deal with the loss and talk about it so that they don’t withdraw from the people still living that love them.
• Continuing donations and volunteers – we will all begin to grow weary of going to these hard places and doing hard things. Galatians 6:9 says “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” We must stay committed to those who have months, sometimes years, of rebuilding their lives. If God’s people don’t do it, no one will. And, we don’t want people to miss His Glory in the midst of their circumstances.
• Friends in the McDonald’s Chapel community who requested blankets and pillows so that they can sleep where their houses used to be. Pray for hope and contentment that can only come from the Father. Pray for the ways we can best love these sweet people.
• The rural community of Concord (and many others) where not a lot of volunteers are going.
• An angel food friend that lost everything in the storms.
• An angel food friend who lost both their mother and grandmother this last week.
• A trailer park in Moody where the community has been bonded together as a result of their losses. These sweet people have learned to love one another in new ways and have begun to worship together, praising God for their blessings and that He was gracious enough to spare their lives.
• Our partner in ministry, CLEATS (Christ Living Eternally Among Team Sports), as they collect donated sports equipment to help organize fun activities this summer for kids affected by the storms.
• Kids for Alabama initiative, a vision given to some of our community friends to provide gift boxes for kids affected by the storms. These boxes have toys, activities, snacks, etc. to help lift the spirits of kids who have lost everything. Truckloads of supplies have been donated to help make up these boxes. We need volunteers to put the boxes together and to deliver them.
• Pray that God provides school supplies over the summer for kids going back to school.
• Provision for people that were hurting before the tornadoes. Many of you still have great need that has nothing to do with the storms. We want to continue to deliver food boxes to our friends in need, but our resources are being stretched to help more people than ever before. We trust God to provide. There are so many places in the Bible where God shows us his provision, often times in ways that no one expected. 1 Kings 17 is the story of God providing for Elijah in the deserts by ravens bringing him food. Can you imagine depending on birds to bring you your food each day? Luke 11:11-13 says “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” The best gift we can have is the Spirit in us, and, therefore, a relationship with God. That is our true gift; food, clothing, shelter are just sustenance.
• Continued unity between God’s people. There are many different churches and organizations serving people together. We all have the same goal. Pray that everyone would work together well, creating a true picture of the body of Christ. When people who don’t know Jesus see this, they will want to be a part of it. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35)
Please let us know if you want to volunteer. We would love to involve you! Thank you for showing us Jesus in so many ways.
Love you all,

Hebrews 13:16 “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

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