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God is in the Details

“You see many charities and non-profits asking for help. They need donations and volunteers. There are so many that you may have become desensitized to their needs and their mission. It happens. But sometimes God places a certain non-profit on your heart. A year ago, Melanie Weeks looked at Grace Klein Community’s website. She looked at it again a while later. We aren’t sure how many times she visited our website, but we do know that a year after the first website visit, she decided to come down and see for herself and ask how she could help. Melanie didn’t approach us timidly. She came ready to work!

In her visits, she has completely reorganized the back corner, upstairs off the kitchen, where we keep all the supplies for the homeless ministry. Melanie has spent hours sorting food, cleaning, and organizing some more. She doesn’t stop to take breaks and when she finishes one task, she asks for another or finds one and tackles it. She has that “take charge” personality which takes a lot of pressure off us when we’re struggling to get all the work done for the day. We are so incredibly grateful to have her heart and skills.

Melanie is the kind of woman you instantly feel comfortable around. She is down to earth and level headed. She faces struggles like everyone else, but expresses her trust in God with each one, giving Him glory with every victory. She loves Jesus and trusts Him to take care of her every need and the needs of her family. She has a God-given quiet strength. I personally associate pictures and images with just about everything in my head. When I think of Melanie, I see a Gladiator, hair flowing from underneath her Gladiator helmet, and sword at her side, ready to protect everything dear to her, but only at the sound of God’s voice does she take a step forward.

If God is wanting you to get involved somewhere, you’ll know it. He will keep bringing that certain place or person to your mind. Thank you, Melanie, for listening to the call! We love having you!” – Amaris Joy

Below is a sweet and gentle story of God’s heart for his children. In the below testimony Melanie beautiful shares how God is in the every detail of our lives.

“When I joined Grace Klein Community I thought that it would be a way to help people that were in need, but discovered that sometimes we need to just be a blessing.  The following story shows that God’s got everybody’s details on his mind.

My father is 84 years old and he has Alzheimer’s, my  83 year old mother is his sole caretaker.  Recently she has been concerned about having enough money to keep him at home, but loves him far too much to put him in a nursing home. Last week I worked at Grace Klein Community to help unload the box truck. While  I was there a partner business donation was brought in. In that delivery there were several things that my mother has difficulty getting away from the house to go purchase. I took three things out of the box for her because they were the exact brands that she uses,  as well as the flavor of aerosol spray that she uses in the restroom. As I started out, a load of plums were delivered and a lot of them were green, something I’ve never seen in the month of October, and something my mother loves. The next day I called my mom and asked if she needed anything.   She told me that she needed to go to the store to pick up a couple things but she couldn’t until I got there to stay with my dad.  When I got to the house, I reminded her that she had always taught me that God is in the little details of our lives, so I started pulling out the things that I had gotten at Grace Klein Community.  Her smile grew bigger and bigger with each item and even said that those items were some of the things that she needed to pick up.  But let me tell you friends, when I pulled out that bag of green plums she started tearing up. I reminded her that God has everything in His hands.  My mother has always been a giver and a server her entire life, but has a hard time receiving. This week I felt like God blessed her for always being the hands and feet of Jesus to others.  Thank you Grace Klein Community for showing my mother that God has not forgotten any of the details of her life, even in a lavender aerosol can.” – Melanie Weeks

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