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“Go Live Your Life”

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“Go live your life” are the new words that guide Evan’s days now. In August he had his milestone MRI that was used to compare to his August 2017 MRI which was performed at the end of chemotherapy treatment. One year later his results are excellent… no sign of cancer and possibly even improvement in the area of radiation therapy. There is no longer any swelling and he now can schedule MRI testing every three months instead of every two months for the next year. Thank you, Jesus!

His insurance will change in November, and once again the stress of investigating and comparing medical and prescription policies has taken its toll on our family. The insurance this year has worked very well, but is no longer an option and again he is forced to choose new coverage. The new insurance will mean less coverage and much more expense.  Please join us in PRAYER as we trust God to cover his necessary medicines. The best policy has been chosen and he is in God’s hands to cover his medicines that the prescription policy will not cover. Evan is grateful that his Emory doctors will be accessible.

Evan’s physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy are finished for this year as he has reached the maximum number of visits. He has worked hard and his walk and speech have improved tremendously, although he still has little feeling in is left leg. His left arm and hand are still slow to regain movement. The rehabilitation doctor says he still needs the brain to “reconnect” to his arm and hand. He is working hard at home to continue progress. The physical therapist has “released” him permanently with the words “Go live your life.” What a blessing to hear those words!

Evan’s days are filled with home therapy and the excitement of seeing old friends, making new friends, helping others in need and making plans to continue fulfilling his wish list of things to do and places to see. Thank you to the Grace Klein Community and all the family, friends and supporters that have made it possible for Evan to have the care he has needed to come so far and to experience God’s blessings through this journey. It is a new mindset to “go live life.” Please join Evan and his family in prayer to know the next step God wants him to take in moving forward with his life. He will continue to work to improve his mobility and to help others as he prepares himself for God’s next plan. Thank you, Jesus!

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” – 1 Peter 5:10

-Denise Moon


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