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On-board and sailing

Reflections from our Zambian brother Cornelius:

He paused for a little while and asked the most profound question on record, “Why woe to the rich?” Devin was perplexed by the fact there is little for the rich man in heaven. He is one of the privileged few kids at the Global Leadership Academy where I meet him and five other boys on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We have been studying Luke and last Thursday we were on Luke 6. Part of the passage reads:
“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” Luke 6:20 NIV

“But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.” Luke 6:24 NIV

The greatest moment that I have had so far with the boys was this time around when they all kind of realized how matters of God pertain to their lives and how serious the Word is. I could not foresee a day such as this coming sooner than later. On top of that, I have received good feedback from their teacher a few times at our house-church.
I actually should let you know that our house-church is receiving great revelations from the Word and we are being led to share it on the streets of Jeffreys Bay. We have met homeless people thus far and engaged in singing songs of praise to the King who was slain (for all of us). We can not afford to leave anyone out. It’s astonishing to observe how hungry people on the streets are for the Word of God. And yet we are there – indoors cherishing selfishly on the precious gift – out of sight from those who need it just as much as we do. When will we ponder on the great commission and it’s fundamentals?

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” Isa 58:6-7 NIV

Time and again, I find myself with lots of questions on spirituality and just life itself. You know those moments when you strongly feel “I need to fast… I need to fast” and boom! God’s got you! He throws you a passage you’ve never taken literally and He challenges you to live it out. You want to fast from food and yet your fridge is full of goodies preserved and to be consumed at the break. Meanwhile, there are so many souls without even a hand to hold a penny. See how privileged we are? Think about it. You have hands that hold your bucks. Someone has neither hand nor money.

Do I get it now? Does it mean that whenever I want to fast from food and drink I have to first of all look around? Or does it mean that I have to be constantly in touch with the needs of those without? Where is the place of consistence in my walk with the Lord? And what is my definition of “someone without?” Then I slowly begin to realize that it is people in distress. It is people with issues spiritual, physical, emotional and even mental; People under generational curses; somebody without food and shelter; a child from a broken home; that kid not mentally at par with the rest; people in bondage. It doesn’t end there. It extends to those without goals in life… Anybody for that matter who requires healing of any sort.

I think we all need healing somehow. Otherwise, Jesus would not have bothered to come.

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