“In January, we were so excited to have Bethany come to Christ City Church to tell about the ministry of Grace Klein Community. Previous to her coming, Meredith Phillips and I sat down at GKC to discuss a tangible way to help with the monthly food box distribution. Bethany mentioned that oatmeal would be a huge help and that at the time, they would need around 288 boxes.
When Bethany came to Christ City Church and shared about the oatmeal box collection she said the need had increased to 306. Hearing this, I stopped her and said, “church… the goal to collect is now 306.” Over the next 3 Sunday’s oatmeal was brought to the church. Before the last Sunday of collection, I noticed on GKC’s social media that their monthly count had gone up again to 314. In full confession, my first thought was “I’ll just go buy whatever is needed after the service to make it to 314.”. I didn’t tell anyone within the church that morning that the count had increased again. We had an incredible worship gathering that morning and after the gathering, a couple of our members counted the boxes and came and reported 313. I was so happy, but wanted 314. We were so close!
The next morning, Meredith and I came to the office and started counting again. There were 315 boxes! I was so thankful for the Lord providing above what was needed. Then, Meredith said, “I had a couple give me $75 cash for oatmeal yesterday.” This was the moment, through our partnership with GKC, that God increased my faith in His provision over all of our needs. We ended up delivering 355 boxes of Oatmeal!
We, at Christ City Church, are honored to be a monthly partner with Grace Klein Community. We believe that this ministry is a modern representation of when the Scripture says in Acts 2, “…and they had all things in common sharing with one another as they had need.”
Thankful for GKC!”
– TJ Gilliam, Directional Pastor – Christ City Church