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A Tour de Force

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“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10

What is a masterpiece? If you look at Webster’s it is defined as “a work of outsourcing artistry, skill or workmanship; a tour de force.” What a perfect description of our volunteer Tina Dorius! Every time she comes into GKC to work she gives her all and things get done!

The first time I met Tina was in early November 2018 when we had one of our first really cold spells. I have a family that I deliver food to once a month that has 13 children. When I dropped off their box late one night, I saw a few of the kids bundled up in the car on the street. It seemed they were taking turns sleeping in the car because there was no central heat in the house. I immediately reached out to our family on Acts 4:32 and within a few hours Tina Dorius responded to say she would meet the need. I met Tina the following Saturday and was absolutely floored when I went to pick up the heater and she pulls up with 6!!! Talk about meeting a need…Tina just didn’t share what she had, she reached out to her friends and asked them to share what they had! Glory to God!

I asked Tina how she got involved with Grace Klein Community and she told me that she heard about us through one of our partners, Liberty Church. She explained how she started serving, here and there, but when someone added her to our Acts 4:32 community, she fell in love. Tina says what she loves the most is how GKC serves all kinds of Christians and all walks of life and how we all come together to love one another and meet each other’s needs whether spiritual, financial, emotional or physical. She expresses how our community is without judgment and operates from a pure love. She is in full appreciation of the opportunities we are afforded to be blessed and be a blessing. Tina certainly participates in spades.

Tina works with us in so many ways and is always coming by, even dressed in her nice work clothes. I have seen her in the most fabulous tailored suit and heels carrying someone’s food to their car and that truly is a picture of who we are. Tina said to me that the most profound way she has seen God work at GKC is through a lady that came in who was in need of some clothes while she and her son, Jacob, were here serving. The lady was in tears at the magnitude of her blessing and said that she did not know there was a place like this on earth that existed. Tina said that she could not agree more with the sentiment and always wants to be a part of a place that gives off that type of feeling. What an honor to hear how God is ministering to hearts through simple sharing. Thank you, Tina Dorius for sharing your heart and your time with Grace Klein Community. We adore you!

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