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The Most Romantic Dance

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God gave us 12 hours to host our dear missionary partner and sister in Jesus, Caitlin Woodward, in country from Senegal. We had Sunday church with homemade scones, fruit and bacon, a walk to the park, pizza and chill by the pool, snickerdoodles dipped in coffee, and a prayer finale.

From Paraguay to Ukraine, Swaziland to Senegal, and South Africa to the USA, we know no borders in the family of God.

Caitlin’s words perfectly articulate the beauty of how we live as Jesus family…

“Talking with Jenny in May of 2018 helped me articulate a pattern I’ve noticed in the lives of my most beloved people: we live all over the world.

God moves us. He says go and we go. He says stay and we stay. That’s the beauty of the Kingdom of God. He gets to transform His people for His glory to love the whole world. It’s beautiful. It’s supernatural. It’s the most romantic dance I’ve been a part of. Believers coming and going, using strengths and covering weaknesses, activating all the giftings at just the perfect time.

I delight. I press on. I celebrate my dear ones who are far away. They’re always deeply on my heart and constantly in my prayers. Maybe just for those times that when we’re together we can pick up as if no time or distance changed.

We laugh. We coffee. We Jesus. Now let’s go L❤️VE!”

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