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2010-11 Blessings

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November 2010

Dear Friends,

Can you believe next week is Thanksgiving? As this month started, I decided to take every day and reflect on a different way that God has blessed me. I hope you will take the time to sit down and write out your top thirty. He is Faithful, Loving and Good. He is the real GIFT and the rest is just icing.

November 1 – Freedom
My Granddaddy was a fighter pilot in WWII and led 40 missions for freedom. Their fight for freedom reminds me of our ultimate freedom through Jesus’ death on the cross for us. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1
November 2 – Soap
Have you ever used the last little slivers of a bar of soap and prayed for more? And then He provides soap!
November 3 – Friends that make me Laugh
“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22
November 4 – Spontaneity
A life full of randomness and change is so fun to me. God provides new friends in the most unusual places, gives free festivals for us to enjoy, a service project, a camping trip on a moment’s notice, or a picnic lunch.
November 5 – Adventure
Life with God is such a wild rollercoaster ride of trust, faith and reliance on the King who is in control. He brings freedom from our bondage to sin and gives us a new life through Christ. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17
November 6 – Water…hot, cold and clean
God gives us hot showers, a cold glass of water and clean water protection from waterborne diseases.
November 7 – JESUS
He is the reason I live with purpose and hope. He died for us. When we were full of sin, He was sinless and took on all our sin and died for us. And praise the Lord, He rose in three days and conquered death for the glory of His name. He is my LORD and SAVIOR and HE is ENOUGH. If you do not know Him, meet Him!
November 8 – “Whine-free” days
If you have kids, you just smiled. The days when everything is right in the world and my kids do not complain, whine, make a “huffy breath” or pout are really good days.
November 9 – Silence
Hearing God’s voice is so crucial to our relationship with Him, so I crave silence more than most creature comforts in this world. Find silence, as it is one of my favorite treasures.
November 10 – White fluffy clouds and blue skies
God created that beauty and I love to marvel in it.
November 11 – Work
Every day we are dependent on God to provide. We give 100% on our end, working with all our heart as working for the Lord and not for men, but ultimately it is Him that gives us the jobs we are so blessed to receive. It is Him who brings the funds to pay the bills.
November 12 – Homemade tacos
So maybe this is an indulgence, but seriously, my mother-in-law makes the best ever.
November 13 – Blankets
Cold natured does not begin to describe me. I freeze most of the winter and at night, in my bed under a blanket, is the best. Yes, I sleep in a sweatshirt, pants and socks, and even a toboggan when it is really cold. We try to conserve on our bills and winter is my challenge, but I always know Spring is coming.
November 14 – Sleep
The enemy attacks me with nightmares so many nights. I wake up to a battle and quote scripture until God wins, but it still makes me tired. I love a full peaceful night of sleep.
November 15 – God helps us in our distress
We all have suffering, hardship, difficulty, and pain. God is with us.
November 16 – $31 food boxes that feed families in need
Food is one of the basic things we need to survive. In the past I have taken it for granted and I am repentant to the Father for my apathy. I know what it is to be in plenty and to be in want. God ALWAYS provides what we need.
November 17 – Reliable Transportation on a Cold, Rainy Day
Last year we had to walk to school some days in the rain due to our transportation. We had fun jumping in mud puddles and squeezing under the umbrella, but it is a nice luxury to drive.
November 18 – Joy
When you’ve spent any time in the pit, you know what I mean. Jesus pulls us out of that pit and gives us a firm place to stand and puts His joy back in our hearts. Psalm 40
November 19 – Heaven
Seeing my Savior face-to-face is going to be one glorious day. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
November 20 – Hands
Without hands I couldn’t type, I couldn’t hold your hand when you’re sad, I couldn’t color with my kids, I couldn’t make the bed, I couldn’t take out the trash… at least not easily.

We haven’t gotten to the rest of the month, but here’s my other ten: my kids, my husband, community, brokenness, love, a pastor that teaches the Word, prayer, faith as small as a mustard seed, milk and an anxiety-free day. The Lord is to be praised. Tell of His greatness and of His mighty deeds. He has been good to me.

Thankful for all of you,

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