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2012-11 Not as it Seems

November 2012

Ever get the feeling all is not as it seems?

This Fall I learned that we are seeing the true color of leaves this time of year. Did you know that the green in the leaf is chlorophyll? That green stuff is the food that leaves create for the plant. The chlorophyll hides the true color of the leaf. Those beautiful colors of orange and yellow and red are the true colors of the leaf, not the green.

Could it be the same for us? It’s like our true colors are not being seen because they are being hidden by something. We learned early on that we were created in the image of God. And that sin entered the world and changed everything. Created in the image of God… our true selves… what does that mean?

Do we see glimpses of that image sometimes? Would we know what that even looks like if we saw it?

All too often, that image of God seems to be covered by something else. Being a provider, what I do to take care of my family covers me up pretty good. Do we measure our worth by what the paycheck says or what the job title is? Do we strive to be “good” at our job so that others can give us praise?

Is that image of God covered by what we possess? Are things more important than people? More important than following Jesus? The bible tells a story of a rich young man who asked Jesus what it takes to have eternal life. Jesus talked to him about the commands in the bible that you follow to show your love and obedience to Him. The rich young man had followed all of them since he was a young boy. Jesus then told him to sell all he had and give it to the poor. But the rich young man became very sad because he couldn’t stand the thought of not having his wealth. Jesus knew the rich man’s heart and knew that money was more important than following Jesus.

Is that image of God covered by our circumstances? Life is hard and bad things happen to all of us. We all have broken dreams and broken promises. People we love will do things that hurt us. And you might never get an apology for that wrong. Does the anger and bitterness overcome your ability to forgive?

Is that image of God covered by racism and fear of people you don’t understand or trust? Maybe you have good reasons not to trust because of the way you were treated in the past by other races. Maybe you were brought up by your parents to hate a certain kind of people.

Is that image of God covered by loneliness or depression? There is a very real enemy against the people of God. And that enemy is here to kill, steal, and destroy. Maybe Satan is stealing your joy and peace. Maybe Satan is making you feel alone even when you are in a room full of people. But Jesus says he came so that we may have life and have it abundantly. Not just get by or survive, but have abundant life.

I hope all is not as it seems. Jesus gives us an amazing promise that if we follow Him, Jesus will make us a new creation. That the old will pass away and the new will come. A new heart. A new way of reacting to situations and people. A new desire for things that are eternal, that don’t rust away and fall apart with time.

Jesus also promises that there will be a day when He himself wipes away every tear from their eyes and death will be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

Let us hope all is not as it seems. Let us spur one another toward love and good deeds. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Show the world the true colors that God created in you…

Hebrews 13:16 “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

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