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Fruit from the Giveback Program

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Words can’t express my gratitude, for those who donated, for those who didn’t have the money to donate but prayed instead, for those who even just took the time to read this post. Yesterday was probably one of the most humbling and amazing days that I have ever had. You have no idea theblessing you all have been in my life. The time and money that you donated might not have been much in your eyes, but it was huge in mine. I will forever be grateful.

I want to share a little of my story. Over a year ago, the week before Christmas, my husband walked out on us. He just left, said he wasn’t happy and packed his stuff and walked out the door. I was shocked, because we had a great relationship. Those first few months were hard, emotionally. I couldn’t eat, lost a lot of weight, couldn’t sleep, my hair started falling out by the handfuls. But everyday I got up and went to work. I clean houses, so usually, I am alone at work. There were many days that I sat down on the floor that I was sweeping and just cried. I tried hiding my pain from my daughter, but there were times that I couldn’t, and we would cry together. See, she was a huge daddy’s girl. And he left her too, she doesn’t understand. A lot of people were praying and the pain finally got better, but a new burden was placed on me.

My husband sent a realtor to our house and put it on the market. It sold two days later, and I had eleven days to pack, and try to find a place for me and my daughter to live. All this while I worked, came home to cook, do homework, etc. It was a very trying time. I actually had a meltdown in Zaxbys after a day of going to look at apartments and being turned down cause I didn’t make enough money. I was homeless for two weeks, actually we stayed with my in-laws. I finally found a place that I could afford and have lived here for over a year. It was the first time that I have ever lived on my own. It was scary, still is to an extent. But I got behind on my bills around Christmas time. I wanted it to be special for my daughter (our first Christmas just the two of us). Things snowballed, and as soon as I would get one bill paid another one was scheduled to be disconnected. They were disconnected several times actually. I applied for food assistance, and received a small amount each month. But the looks I got when I used the card, I will never forget. I was judged. And it hurt. I was judged because I drive a new car, but my ex has to pay the payment as part of the divorce. I was judged because my daughter and I have decent clothes, but we had them before I was put in this situation. I was judged because I had an iPhone, but I had it when he left me and I don’t have internet at my house so this is used as my primary source for all that.

I didn’t ask to be in this situation, but I was and I am doing the best that I can. It has been a hard few months trying to get caught up. I have had many sleepless nights wondering how I was going to get through this. And I saw a friend’s post, asking if anyone needs prayer. So I asked for prayer… and yesterday I felt love like I haven’t felt in a long time when that friend said she and other friends were going to raise money to help me. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I cried all day long, every time my friend sent me a message telling me the status of the fundraising. My 9-year old daughter kept looking at me like I was losing my mind. But I sat her down last night and told her how God came through for us and how all these people we didn’t know reached out to help us while we were down. I said these are happy tears. You all taught her that when you ask and get together and pray for a cause, God answers prayers. Thank you for that. She was excited, and she’s excited to help me volunteer. We have already been looking at places we can go volunteer together. I can’t thank you enough. But I promise each of you that since you blessed me, I will definitely bless others in return. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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