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Love for Ally

We have a choice to walk past and ignore the needs around us or be like the Good Samaritan and love our neighbors. Every day we make that choice as people hurt all around us.

A young woman close to our heart is Ally. When she was little we remember her giggling in the donation room while she helped wrap Christmas gifts for others. Now, she’s the one who needs to receive. Their family could use the help of our Giveback program. People give (tax-deductible contributions) and with that money we help them pay their bills directly to the vendors that are owed. Then, they serve to “pay back” the assistance. The cool thing is she gave years ago with us, has shared so much of her stuff with us to bless other gkcommunity friends through the years and has continued to minister to kids at Children’s Hospital since being diagnosed with cancer.

Ally Nelson is a Pediatric Cancer patient. She is a 13 year-old girl who continues to fight the battle of Osteosarcoma, a bone cancer. Ally has had 6 surgeries to date. One of those being a surgery that removed her entire femur bone. She now has a rod in place of that bone. She has done several months of chemotherapy and was in remission November 2012. In Feburary of 2014 we found out that the cancer was back in her lungs. Since Feburary, Ally has undergone two surgeries, the most recent in June. Ally had the small tumors removed and her surgeon found two more tumors and removed those as well. She has had a total of five tumors removed. The concern is that the tumors keep growing. In spite of all that Ally continues to endure and as she battles this illness she keeps a smile on her face. Her faith keeps her strong. Her attitude is positive and she continues to inspire many.

So, stop for a minute and give through Grace Klein Community. If it were you or your child in Ally’s place, you would want a Good Samaritan to stop for a little and love you.

And if time is your gift, volunteer time on their behalf to help them with their giveback hours. We can put you to work. Just ask us how!

Let’s love on Ally and her family!

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