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Kenya Trip Update – Donations needed by July 24th

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Dear friends and family,

How are you doing? We hope God is doing as many wonderful things in your life as He is ours. We are travelling to Kenya towards the end of July; we will be there for a month and are feeling God’s will for us to make an impact in His people in ways that He has laid in our hearts.
We would like to share the challenging ministry opportunities that God has presented to us:
Outspan Church family, where I (Anthony) served while in Kenya, was so instrumental in my spiritual growth and in holding me accountable to living a pure Christian life while away from my wife. Pastor Moses Ndiema, the minister of this church, is a very dedicated servant of God who not only serves the congregation, but has also dedicated his life in ministering to widows and orphans in the community. The church is growing and has doubled its number since I was last there. When I recently talked to the pastor, he mentioned a number of needs that the church requires. These include: a projector, a Laptop, speakers and plastic seats. They need at least more than 200 seats, but they will appreciate any no. donated to them. The breakdown of the costs of these items is as follows:
1 seat is $ 8.50 (we were thinking of buying at least 100 seats)
1 Speaker – $120 (They will appreciate any no. of these even if it’s one)
Projector – $240
Laptop – $300
If anyone can donate a projector and a laptop we will be glad to carry them with us and thus we won’t have to buy them from Kenya.
We will dedicate our time to serving with the church family in these other areas:
-Ministering at the church by sharing about God’s faithfulness and His preservation of our lives
-Praying for the sick and those with various needs at church and in the local community
-Encouraging the weak and hopeless in the house of faith, and praying with them for their strength renewal (Isaiah 40:31)
-Buying groceries and delivering them to at least 10 widows/orphans as a way of reaching out to them and sharing the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

– Building a temporary house and latrine for a single parent, Susana Kipsambu, who has lived in poverty for years coupled with raising her 9 children. . For all the years she and her kids have sheltered in a grass thatched house where at times the rains leak through. With no bed and scarcity of linens it’s unbelievable how this family could snuggle together in a little hut at night. Her conditions of living is overwhelmingly touching and when I (Priscah) shared to Susana about the awesomeness of Christ and the need for her to attend a fellowship, all she responded was pouring out her problems one after the other; This broke my heart and didn’t know how to go further sharing. Susana desperately needs a temporary shelter to accommodate her and her children. Her condition of living in a house which leaks when rains pour down is traumatizing. It will cost $950 to build them a temporary two roomed iron sheets’ roofed house and a latrine. After accomplishing this task, we will reach out to them together with local church members and share Christ to this family and their neighbors.

– Praying for and encouraging Keith’s parents; sponsoring Keith to have a mandatorily needed surgery and standing with them through this process. Keith was born with hydrocephalus and malformation of the lower limbs. Keith has undergone three surgeries in aid of correction of the malformed limbs and insertion of a drainage tube in the brain. The parents have exhausted all their resources and have outstanding hospital debt following these surgeries. However, his brain tube needs to be removed through another surgery, and the hospital needs an amount of $1400 to perform it. The fee will cover the surgery itself, hospital fee, x-rays, laboratory work-up, and medications. The child has had the tube in situ longer than the period required and the hospital can only admit this child on condition that full expenses are met following discharge.
While God has opened up a door for us to develop a heart of service for His people in Kenya, the exciting part is that you will be able to share in this compassion in several ways. First, you can help pray for us. We will need prayers that God will prepare us for our visit and put in us all we need to minister to his people. We will also need prayers that our financial needs will be met. At this time we need to raise $5,000-8000 to cater for ministry needs, and $3000 for remainder of travel.
Another way you can be involved is to help provide that financial support. Would you consider supporting us with a small donation? We will need to raise all funds by July 24th God willing so as to be better prepared for the Journey in time. With your giving, you will make a tangible, lasting difference in the lives you have reached. Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through prayer, or both, all of your support is appreciated.
Please issue checks to:
Grace Klein Community
1678 Montgomery Hwy #104
Birmingham, AL 35216
Or via paypal at

Also, please put missions in the memo line.

**All contributions are tax-deductible as Grace Klein Community is a 501c3 non-profit.**

We look forward to doing God’s work in Kenya and letting you know all about how God has worked through us when we return in September.
Thanks and God bless you,
Anthony and Priscah Kiptoo

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