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Guatemala, Casa Aleluya Mission Trip

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Guatemala, Casa Aleluya Mission Trip

(October 25, 2014 – November 8, 2014)


We are so grateful for our Father’s provisions, that He cares so much for us, and that He is in the “details”. Our departure for the Guatemala mission trip is just about 5 weeks away. We get more excited as each week is crossed off our calendars! We’ve been busy with collections of clothing, shoes and other miscellaneous items for a recycle fundraiser project that we have been working on. Flyers were created and distributed in our neighborhoods as a way to get the word out and raise support for this project. Below is a fun God story giving you insight into how God is in the details!

Getting the word out regarding our recycle fundraiser project has provided an additional avenue for neighbors to come and chat with us. One neighbor brought her items to one of the team members’ home and through conversation a prayer request for a neighbor’s 12-year-old grandson came up. The young boy would be having a serious heart surgery in the coming weeks. This team member took the prayer request seriously and shared it with small group members as well as jotting a “thinking of you and praying for you,” note to the grandparents (her neighbors who she had not met). Weeks passed and she saw the grandfather of the child taking a walk in her neighborhood. She stopped him to introduce herself and share how she had heard about his grandson, how many had been praying for him, and the family, and inquired as to how the young boy was doing. Praise God! The young boy did very well with the surgery and had just returned to school the day before this encounter! God is in the details! Through a recycling outreach fundraiser project, our Father brought about an opportunity to pray for a neighbor and his family, as well as provide an opportunity to meet the neighbor and the potential for a new relationship!

If you would like to contribute to the recycle fundraiser you can drop the following off at the Grace Klein Community office at 2652 Old Rocky Ridge Rd., Hoover, AL 35216.

Please include a note that donated items are for the Guatemala Mission Team Fundraiser.

  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Soft Toys
  • Hard Toys
  • Bedding: Comforter/Blankets/sheets/towels
  • Accessories (Purses**totes**belts**scarves**pocketbooks**wallets**school bags**neck ties)

In addition to our gratitude for the recycle fundraiser contributions, we are grateful for many who have been generous in their financial contributions. God has provided through contributions and fundraising $4,402 of the $5,487 needed for our expenses. We are praying that we will have additional funds so that we can provide a special love offering for the needs of the dialysis children at Casa Aleluya.

We appreciate you and Grace Klein Community and your support and your prayers leading up to this mission trip as well as for the return trip home and the work that God will continue to do even after we have returned to the states. For further information on Casa Aleluya, please go to

If you’d like to make a monetary donation please make checks payable to:

Grace Klein Community **1678 Montgomery Hwy #104 **Birmingham, AL 35216** Please write “Missions” in memo line.

Or you can donate via PayPal at by clicking the yellow “Donate” button on the page.

-All contributions are tax deductible.

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