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Pearls of Slum: AMAR SAATH Foundation (2023-2024)

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Read more about one of the initiatives of Pearls of Slum.

Context: Kerala hosts 3.5-5 million North Indian migrants across 14 districts. Push factors driving migration include poverty, unemployment, overpopulation, poor agricultural yields, and social conflicts. Pull factors include better job opportunities, higher wages, a higher standard of living, minimal communal clashes, and improved healthcare. Despite these attractions, migrants often struggle to access the same benefits as locals.

Challenges Faced: Migrants in Kochi face numerous difficulties including inadequate healthcare, workplace humiliation, exclusion from public utilities, poor housing, and unmet physical and psychological needs. These issues contribute to a negative quality of life and an increase in crime among migrants, driven by the need for basic necessities and well-being.

About AMAR SAATH: Founded in October 2023, AMAR SAATH (REG NO: 382/IV/2023) is a secular Non-Profit Organization dedicated to supporting marginalized and migrant populations. Our name, meaning “eternal companionship,” reflects our commitment to fostering empathy and mutual support.

Vision and Mission: Our vision is to uplift marginalized and migrant populations in India, ensuring dignity, security, and equal opportunities regardless of religion, language, or gender. We provide shelter, food, clothing, education, medical care, and vocational training, aiming for a society where everyone can access essential services and build a better future.

Key Projects:

  • Education: Support for migrant children’s education.
  • Vocational Training: Skill development for improved job prospects.
  • Healthcare: Medical camps and health services.
  • Material Needs: Assistance through thrift stores and other resources.

Achievements (Oct 2023 – Aug 2024):

  • Medical Camps: 10 camps benefiting 762 migrants.
  • Education: Assisted 35 migrant children.
  • Vocational Training: Trained 31 migrants in various skills.
  • Material Support: Helped 2,486 people in 7 states through our thrift store.

AMAR SAATH Foundation remains committed to addressing the challenges faced by migrants and working towards sustainable solutions to improve their quality of life.