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Update from Oct Guatemala Team

IMG_8676An update from the Guatemala Team that is leaving Oct 25.

I praise God and I continue to be in awe of our Provider and those who have given so generously to donate in many ways toward this mission trip. The sweet children and missionaries at Casa Aleluya will surely be blessed!
The team and staff at Grace Klein Community have been busy collecting and sorting through donations of clothing, shoes, purses, totes, belts, etc. for our Recycle Fund Raising project. We’ll be loading a large truck on Oct 21.
Local women’s small groups have helped out with monetary donations to assist with the cost of luggage fees as well as contributing toward the purchase of brushes, combs and hair accessories for over 20 little girls from one of the dorms at Casa Aleluya. Just think, many of us have a drawer full of brushes to choose from and some of these little ones don’t have one. How blessed they will be to have their own brush! Not only will this bless the children, but the dorm parents who asked, “Could we get some brushes and hair accessories for the girls. It would be nice.”
One of the main objectives for the ladies on the team will be assisting with the task of altering the gowns for the young girls who will participate in the Quinceanera celebration. We will be taking 8 suitcases of supplies, 3 of which are jam packed with donated formal gowns and two wedding gowns. What a blessing and God’s perfect timing as one may be used for a wedding on Nov 1 and the other may be used for a wedding in June 2015! Please pray that we are able to accomplish all that is needed with regard to having these girls’ gowns ready for their big day!
The founder of Casa Aleluya had shared a desire to provide earrings for the older girls as part of their small Christmas gift exchange. I am excited to share that we will have plenty of earrings for him to choose from as he lovingly prepares their gifts this year!
And last, and surely not least, one of the team members just finished typing the last words for a 3-part Bible study for the University girls at Casa Aleluya. It is in the process of being translated and should be returned within a week. Please pray for the ladies as they walk through this study on Christian Growth with the young university age girls.
Finally, we ask for your prayers Oct 25 – Nov 8. Please pray for safe travels, good health, safety, as we participate in construction/building projects and most of all, that in all we do God is glorified and that His kingdom will grow as we serve and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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