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Less of me, more of Him

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A journey that began only 2 weeks ago has my heart in such awe of Father God and all that He is doing.

After 23 hours of flying time (excluding layovers) I arrived safely in Birmingham, Alabama on the evening of the 8th of October where I was greeted by 3 beautiful families I’d met earlier in the year.

I was only able to bring minimal of my own clothing or other items along, yet I’ve been blessed in abundance, even by those I’ve never met before. From clothing to toiletries and food items, I’m lacking in nothing due to the grace of Father God and the beautiful hearts of others.

I’m reminded of the scripture in 1 Corinthians 2 vs. 1 – 5: “When I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters, I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan. For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified. I came to you in weakness – timid and trembling. And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.”

This scripture defines so much of how I feel at this point. From the very beginning, when this journey first began, none of this was possible in my own strength. From being a shy and timid young girl, to being able to stand up and share in front of crowds of people in a foreign country is something I had never even dreamed possible. But this is where you see the power of Father God and His Holy spirit so evident. In my own strength, character or capabilities I doubt I would have ever crossed borders. But through Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, Father God is able to use someone who once felt incredibly insignificant, to a place where her life story is a testimony to others and the goodness of Father God is displayed.

With having shared with various groups of people already my heart smiles at the hearts of others who are so eager to hear about all that Father God has done in my life and the lives of the beautiful Kwathu Children’s Home family. I cannot help but smile as I share about the Kwathu children with other young children here in America. Hearing a little 5 year old girl ask me: “How can I pray for a child?” makes my heart skip a beat.

Ohio Kids

“Community” – a word I’m still trying to fully understand or grasp, but God is doing something in this heart of mine. “What is community to you?” A question I find myself asking a lot lately.

I stand back in awe as I watch the beautiful acts of selflessness of those around me. They share everything, even if it’s all they have, and trust that Father God will provide. And He does. I feel challenged by this and I find myself wanting to know more about this life of absolute surrender and faith in Father God. I find myself drawn to wanting to live a more selfless life, where God alone is my highest call.

I’m in a place where I feel challenged and intrigued by all that God is doing and revealing to me, and it’s a beautiful place to be in.

Less of me, and more of Him!

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