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April 2021

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BIRTHDAYS – Three children celebrated their birthdays this month. On the 12th, Jane turned 8 years old. Austin turned 17 years old on 13th and Michael turned 8 years old on 19th. It is always a blessing to see the children get older each year. 

SCHOOLS– This month, the children wrote their end of term tests in readiness for closure on April 23rd, 2021. Gertrude and Eustus have been applying for college/university and both have been accepted to different faculties and institutions. Eustus has been accepted at Kenneth Kaunda Metropolitan University to pursue a Degree in Economics, and Gertrude at Crane Institute of Education and Information Technology to pursue a Degree in Primary Education. These learning institutions are in Lusaka and the children are excited to go to a different town.

EASTER- Easter is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and as Kwathu, we always ensure to have a meal together to celebrate this day. A word about the meaning of Easter was shared and we later had a meal prepared by both staff and the children.


Kwathu Private School has continued to run well, even during covid-19. Following all the health guidelines is one of the on-going things that the school follows. The students have been observing social distancing, avoiding crowded places, washing their hands, and sanitizing daily.

The feeding program also continued in the month of April, and this has made the students have more interest in coming to school, since most of them come from the less privileged families where they do not usually have all the meals in a day. The feeding program at the school covers over 205 people and this has been on going from the time schools opened in February.

Students during the feeding program

School based assessments have continued in the month of April and the students have been on
board to write the assessments. Besides that, April is the month in which the students are supposed to write their end of term examination. It has been remarkably interesting to all the grades when writing their end of term tests. On April 13th, the school began to give the students tests so that they can know the how the student is doing and how some can be helped; especially slow learners and those struggling with schoolwork.

Students writing their end of term tests

From the time schools opened, April is the third month in terms of termly activities for the school. Therefore, students are given a short break where they can relax. The break is usually for a month but due to the school calendar which was disturbed when the pandemic first hit the nation, the holiday was
shortened to two weeks so that the lost time can be regained.

On Thursday, April 21st, the school called the parents of the students so that they can be given the report forms of their children. This is the time also that teachers interact with the parents one on one so that they can talk about the progress and performance of the child in class. The school officially closed on Friday April 23rd, 2021, and this is the day that the school had a farewell celebration for the two student teachers at Kwathu from Musi-o-tunya College of Education. The school will officially open on May 10th, 2021.

CLINIC PROJECT- The clinic project is advancing. We managed to get the plumbing works inside the two
screening rooms and have installed sinks for hand washing and other use by the medical personnel who will be attending to the patients at the clinic.

OUR NEED LIST: Contact us at [email protected]

  • School Bus (US $20,000)
  • Pencils, crayons, sharpeners, calculators, pens Clothes for ages 6-20
  • Aircons for offices


  • Tractor, plough, secondhand utility vehicle 

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