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Madhuri’s Mission – Yard Sale Update

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Our yard sale on the 2nd of May was a great success! We are well on our way toward the goal of raising $5,000 to dig a much-needed well in Andhra Pradesh, India. Items from friends and family joined with donations from Grace Klein Community to fill our driveway and garage – the photos don’t do it justice! Friends from our small group helped unload, organize, price and sell. It would not have been possible without their help!

untitled1untitled3untitleduntitled2After a long weekend of work, God provided almost $1,000 in sales and donations. We met so many people who came to support us, and God gave us opportunities to share our story with many of them.

untitled5The girls in our small group, led by our daughter Emma, sold drinks and treats from a table they set up in the driveway. They stayed outside throughout the sale, taking turns at the table and relaxing on a giant bean bag. By the end of the day, they had raised $55 to buy backpacks and school supplies for Madhuri, Deborah and Kavya in Bangalore, pictured to the left. These precious girls work tirelessly, serving the church, leading the children’s Bible study and helping to prepare food for the adults on special occasions. They danced for us when we were there in Bangalore.

Thanks to all who donated & prayed for us. Thanks to Grace Klein Community for tangible donations and promotion! Thank you, God, for loving the people of India, and for giving us the opportunity to partner with them to make disciples there!

We are looking for church, civic or any other kind of groups to have us come and give presentations about our friends in India and the work that God is doing through them. Please contact us at Grace Klein Community if you would like to hear more about this great work.

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