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Our Friend Allan

IMG_4513The first years of my existence proved to be the toughest of times in my life’s journey. Come rain or shine I would spend my nights without blankets. The only way to survive the cold and rainy seasons was to involve myself in drugs and alcohol to keep warm and “forget” for a while. Being a street kid is tough. I got involved in many serious fights with the older boys and at one point got burned with a burning plastic by one of the older boys because I didn’t want to share my money with him. As a younger child on the streets I was bullied a lot by the older boys on the streets. Often I went to bed hungry.

In 2001, after being on the streets for many years, I was finally admitted into an orphanage called Ebenezer Child Care Trust. In 2004, I began to connect really well with my house father (papa) at time. However, unknown to me at the time, God had given him a heart and vision to open his own children’s home in the future and the time came where he was no longer there. We lost contact. However, after 5 long years our paths crossed at a local bakery in town. It was great connecting with him once again, with a man who had once played such an important role in my life. Little did I know, his place in my life wasn’t over.

At the time, my “papa” was actually looking for a home to rent to care for orphaned and vulnerable children. I knew of a family moving from their home, and managed to create the connections between the two. In no time, “papa” and his wife, Mama Jeanette, moved into the home and together they began caring for young vulnerable children. This was actually the second generation of children under “papa’s” care. It’s incredible how God works things out, because I was actually staying at the servant’s quarter on the very property of this home at the time, and “papa” gave me the opportunity to continue living there. We were re-united.

Mr. Agripa Phiri, Director of the Kwathu Children’s Home, is my “Papa.” Mr. Phiri not only guided me as a young boy, but as a young man as well. He taught me about Jesus, life skills, and showed me a Father heart. With that, God was also able to use me to serve him and God with my abilities to assist with any building needs. In 2011, Kwathu Children’s Home began building their very first, fully owned home, and I have been able to be a part of the construction process. It’s humbling to see the fruits of my efforts now, as well as the efforts of others, as the first children’s home is close to completion. I see myself in a lot of the eyes of the young children at Kwathu Children’s Home, and I’m honored to know that I, in some way, played a part, not only in respect of their future home, but in their lives as well.

My name is Allan Shoma. I’m originally from Zambia, and I’m 23 years old. I’ve been thrown many curve balls in life, however, God has most certainly made all things work out for my good and for His Glory! (Romans 8:28)

In 2013 I attended the year program with The Leadership Experience as a student, and today I find myself serving with the Sports Ministry with the Leadership Experience, in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa.

My time at The Leadership Experience has certainly been incredibly rewarding thus far, amongst it’s challenges. As my time at LXP is on a volunteer basis only, the struggle for basic necessities comes in to play. The first half of this year has been such a journey of faith, having to rely on God for even the simplest of things like soap and toothpaste.

Can I ask you to pray for me? Pray for increasing strength, physically, emotionally and spiritually, that I would be able to lead the students with a strength and passion that comes from Christ alone. Pray for hearts to be opened for financial support on a monthly basis to cover my basic necessities. $10 a month would cover all my basic necessities such as shampoo, deodorant, soap, toothpaste etc. But most importantly, pray that my faith in Father God only continues to grow stronger and stronger with each passing day.

Thank you for your prayers!

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