Prayers Quickly and Visibly Answered
Like so many wonderful journeys, our journey to Belize began with a prayer. Many good friends gathered in community, praying for our safe travel, among several other specific prayer requests. Now, as I’ve returned to the United States and reflected, I would describe the mission trip as “A journey of prayer most quickly and visibly answered.”
In each and every aspect, a prayer request specifically given was answered with God’s enormous blessings. Grace Klein Community surprised the Womacks and I with $5,300 given to the Zion Park Elementary School lunch program. We are deeply passionate about caring for these children so they can receive adequate nutrition and focus on learning. The $5,300 will provide lunch for the students for two years! God was just getting started on ways He would amaze us. Between a connecting flight, we overheard a conversation that led to meeting missionaries from Here Am I Ministries, who were on a mission trip for similar purposes. We exchanged information, for a meeting after the trip, to discuss how we can serve each other to fulfill the Great Commission. Another answered prayer.
Our next answered prayer came during a meeting with customs. One of the most focused prayer requests was smooth entry into Belize. Once again, God provided more than we could ask, as God provided a kind customs officer, that connected easily with us, through a conversation involving something as simple as a Monopoly game. The entry into Belize went smoothly with all the school equipment. To God Be The Glory!
Yet still, our work was just beginning, and we had only seen the tip of the iceberg of God’s provision. As we arrived at Kings College, God would bless us with an amazing ministry partner throughout the trip. Adrian Blanco helped us with every issue that arose with the computer and network installation at King’s College. Adrian has such a servant’s heart. He helped with setup of the lab and eagerly stripped cables, to connect the network, when we discovered the current cables were ruined. The staff at Kings College is exceptional. Mr. Reyes aided us in our work and demonstrated wonderful hospitality by providing us a place to stay, in his own home, one of the four nights we were in Belize. God blessed us yet again, when he allowed us to finish our installation earlier than anticipated, around 3 PM on the second day. Our next ministry assignment was to train the computer teacher to use the new software we installed. God paired me with a teacher who listened attentively, asked questions, and made the process as smooth as possible. This teacher, Ms. Shakira Young, was a perfect example of the saying, “the best teachers make great students.”
After completing our computer lab upgrades and saying our “goodbyes,” to the staff at King’s College, we toured the countryside. God used us to surprise a young child named Diamond, who has allergies that prevent him from attending school. He was overjoyed and thankful to receive the Monopoly game. We enjoyed encouraging Diamond in such a small way. Spending time in fellowship with Adrian and his family, we developed a stronger bond, as brothers in Christ, that will lead to future ministry opportunities. Personally, I gained a meaningful friendship with my ministry partner Jon Womack. I believe we will serve the Lord together, not only in Belize, but in other parts of the world.
When I boarded the final plane and left to return to the country I call home, the United States, I was simply overwhelmed by God’s quick and visible answer to prayer. In each moment of this trip, God used the prayers and giving of our Grace Klein Community family, as well as our biological families and friends, to advance His Kingdom in Belize and in us.
The impact the new computer lab will have at King’s College will change children’s lives and the $5,300 will meet a desperate need for students of Zion Park Elementary School.
We believe the seeds God sowed in the hearts of us, and others we encountered, will bear spiritual fruit that brings eternal life. We work as brothers and sisters in Christ to accomplish Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” If you prayed for us during this trip, we can’t thank you enough, and can testify from sight that your prayers were quickly, visibly, and generously answered. Let us continue to praise and thank God for all He has done.
– Michael Kline, Team Member of Belize Mission Trip, August 2015