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Mallette Adoption Garage Sale

Mallette FamilyGod is faithful… a truth He keeps reminding me along this adoption journey. Our adoption story began 8 years ago with infertility and multiple miscarriages. We have had a never ending desire and longing for more children… a feeling that our home was not complete. God faithfully led us to China, and now we know it’s for a little girl. We don’t know her name or face yet, but He does and we are waiting on Him and His timing to reveal that to us.

Our dossier is ‘logged in’ with the CCCWA (The Chinese Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption) and the next step is to be matched with our daughter! After we know her precious face we will then be preparing to travel to China (and completing more paperwork). God has faithfully led us to Grace Klein Community, (even before we ever knew adoption would be in our story-Ha! God has it rigged!) and in this season, our Grace Klein community will help us with fundraising to bring our little girl home. The money raised by this garage sale will help fund our adoption. We are so grateful for all the donations and support given to us for this garage sale. God is faithful…

When: Saturday, October 10th
Time: 8am – 1pm
Where: 5081 Pinehurst Ter, Birmingham, AL 35242

If you are unable to attend the garage sale, you give still contribute to our adoption through Grace Klein Community. All contributions to Grace Klein Community are tax-deductible as it is a 501(c)3 non-profit. The funds Grace Klein Community receives will be used to help us with adoption expenses, including travel, attorney fees etc.

Here’s how you can give:

  1. Donate online via PayPal HERE
  2. Mail a check to Grace Klein Community, 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL 35216
    * Please write “Mallette Adoption” in the memo line

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Mallette Adoption Garage Sale

Mallette FamilyGod is faithful… a truth He keeps reminding me along this adoption journey. Our adoption story began 8 years ago with infertility and multiple miscarriages. We have had a never ending desire and longing for more children… a feeling that our home was not complete. God faithfully led us to China, and now we know it’s for a little girl. We don’t know her name or face yet, but He does and we are waiting on Him and His timing to reveal that to us.

Our dossier is ‘logged in’ with the CCCWA (The Chinese Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption) and the next step is to be matched with our daughter! After we know her precious face we will then be preparing to travel to China (and completing more paperwork). God has faithfully led us to Grace Klein Community, (even before we ever knew adoption would be in our story-Ha! God has it rigged!) and in this season, our Grace Klein community will help us with fundraising to bring our little girl home. The money raised by this garage sale will help fund our adoption. We are so grateful for all the donations and support given to us for this garage sale. God is faithful…

When: Saturday, October 10th
Time: 8am – 1pm
Where: 5081 Pinehurst Ter, Birmingham, AL 35242

If you are unable to attend the garage sale, you give still contribute to our adoption through Grace Klein Community. All contributions to Grace Klein Community are tax-deductible as it is a 501(c)3 non-profit. The funds Grace Klein Community receives will be used to help us with adoption expenses, including travel, attorney fees etc.

Here’s how you can give:

  1. Donate online via PayPal HERE
  2. Mail a check to Grace Klein Community, 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL 35216
    * Please write “Mallette Adoption” in the memo line

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