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Ryan Hopson – Community Relations and Volunteer Coordinator

image “I met Scott and his family at Tiger-Rock Martial Arts while they were taking class. My mother, brother and I worked there and happened to grow a special friendship with their family. After graduating from the University of Alabama, my life seemed to be in limbo. I was in and out of a few jobs, not really knowing what God had for me. At 16, I went on my first mission’s trip to Guatemala and fell in love with not only the people, but the love of Jesus that I felt during my time there. From then on, I knew that all I wanted to do is to help people. Whether it was cook food, or drive them down the street, it meant the world to me to make a difference in someone’s life.

During the month of May 2015, my heart was broken because I had to leave a job that I thought was where God wanted me. God reminded me that He has a plan for my life and not everything I want is always the best fit. During the summer, I took a part time job and used the open space to seek after God more than ever. What is God’s perfect will for my life? Spending that summer with Jesus was an intentional time for me, as all the burdens and baggage that I was carrying were lifted, and I felt God taking me to a new place.

image3August came quickly and I felt called to get back into the career field. Not knowing where to go, I took a leap of faith, quitting my part time job, a demonstration of my trust in God. Two weeks went by, and nothing seemed to come up. It just so happened, Scott brought his children in for class, the night I was by myself at Tiger-Rock. I began to tell him how I was looking for a job in my career because I missed ministry work.  That’s when Scott told me about Grace Klein Community; what they do, where they are from, who they serve. I was quickly fascinated. Was God placing this position in front of me for a reason? At first, I did not know and took a couple of days to pray about it. Nothing but peace overwhelmed me.

Once I began pursuing the position, my life seemed to have a dramatic change. Through this opportunity, God has given me a place to serve, a new family, and a renewed happiness that has changed my life. I am now a part of a group of people sold out to serving others and loving others above themselves. Not a day goes by, that I don’t feel encouraged by God to keep striving as I run the race harder than before.  I long to serve well as the Community Relations and Volunteer Coordinator of Grace Klein Community, and I am excited to see how God will use me to advance His Kingdom.”

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