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Local Efforts Yard Sale

Owen FamilyA few years ago, Rusty and Dana were on opposite sides of the fence about their family. Dana had always wanted a larger family, Rusty was content with their two blessings. Specifically, he was financially content with raising their two children and could not think about the cost of adopting a third child.

Zoe, who is now ten years old, has wanted to adopt for at least five years. When she was five years old, she walked downstairs one morning and told her Daddy “God told me to tell you that we are supposed to adopt.” He disagreed and replied: “God would need to tell me directly.” In a few short years, He did just that…

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” – James 1:27

While watching the simulcast of Secret Church with their small group last year, their previous pastor discussed the horrific conditions of poverty and slavery of children, stating more than 30 million children have been effected over the last 30 years. Rusty thought “my chest feels like I have been stabbed.”After wrestling with God over this for a few weeks, it came down to one question:

“Do you trust Me?”

Rusty realized that if they were obedient with this calling, He would provide the rest. Fast forward through a move across town, a diagnosis of dyslexia, homeschooling two (which one is a teenager) and doing life for the last year, the paper work for adoption has begun. Rusty and Dana have chosen to spend the resources which they had earmarked for adoption for a school which specialized in helping children who learn differently. It’s not surprising to God that it is the same amount as the first two payments to Lifeline Adoption Agency. They are inviting friends and family to help them adopt through Spirit-led giving and faithful prayer to complete their family in God’s timing.

Friends of the Owen family will be hosting an adoption yard sale fundraiser on Saturday, May 14, 2016, at 5081 Pinehurst Terrace, Birmingham, AL 35242. The yard sales starts at 7am and ends at 2pm. Come show your love and support!

If you would like to make a tax-deductible monetary donation towards the Owen Family adoption, your generosity would be greatly appreciated. Check donations can be mailed to Grace Klein Community, 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL 35216 OR donate online HERE. Please write ” Owen Family Adoption” in the memo line.

Thank you from The Owens Family for your love and support as they become a Family of 5!!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

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