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Friends that Pray Together Stay Together

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On May 12, 2016, we received some unexpected news from one of our Grace Klein Community members, Evan Moon. He experienced complete numbing to his left arm and the left side of his face. Then, he began to slur words, forget names and speak incoherently. Community friends were able to meet him at the emergency room and subsequently Brookwood Medical Center. The cat scan showed 5cm lesion/swelling on the right side of the brain. He had an MRI late that night and the neurosurgeon scheduled a biopsy for Monday, May 16, 2016. No one could believe this was really happening. Evan Moon – we love you to the Moon and back!

IMG_0393From Thursday afternoon until Friday night at least 20 community friends shared the love with Evan Moon by visiting him in the ER, the hospital, and at his Birmingham home. Early Saturday morning, May 14, 2016, Evan and his parents decided to obtain a second opinion from Emory in Atlanta, GA. Evan and his parents waited in the ER at Emory for almost six hours. Miraculously, the neurosurgeon had not left the hospital and came and met with them on a Saturday night! Due to Evan’s history of sinus issues, the possibility of a bacterial infection was not ruled out. The neurosurgeon explained that they did not understand what was going on and they would act quickly to find out what was happening! Emory took another CAT scan and admitted Evan. Another MRI was scheduled for around noon on Sunday. Evan remained on anti-seizure medicine and steroids. The moon was lighting up Emory.

As you woke up Monday morning, May 16, 2016, Evan was preparing for brain surgery sometime after noon that day. The unknown can be scary. Where does our hope come from? Evan is remaining in Christ’s love. He asked friends to cover his arms with scriptures to minister to the doctors. He is trusting Jesus because Jesus calls him friend. You can imagine the scattering of “Moon” Light.

IMG_0457Evan rolled down the hall toward surgery, praying for other friends, texting encouraging words to the guy who is filling in for his job, laughing that his nurse was named Bernadette and playing the song to her off his phone.Surgery started a little before 3pm, Atlanta time. An intermediate grade glioma (tumor) was removed and after recovery Evan was moved to ICU. The family was advised that pathology would take several days. After about two weeks they will look at what additional steps will need to be taken in regards to treatment. He was moved to ICU after 1-2 hours from surgery and scans were scheduled for the following day. Praise God the tumor was identified at the right time. Friends and family were encouraged to continue praying for a full recovery and for no recurrence of the tumor. The “Moon” is bright tonight. He made it through brain surgery!!

The May 17 assessment was the surgery went well. The recovery will be more prolonged than expected. Evan remained in ICU for at least another 24 hours. Family and friends were encouraged to Light Your Candle for the Moon. Go love somebody!

IMG_2959Evan’s eaten apple sauce and told his folks he loves them. OF COURSE HE HAS! And when he was asked to show four fingers he displayed the Vulcan salute from Star Trek. OF COURSE HE DID. He’s aware and he’s got his humor. He had another MRI and it showed no problems. Whoop whoop. He’s moving on up. He was transferred to a regular room people!! Blessed be the name of the Lord. We have a long road to go with rehab, therapy, and complete healing. We cannot see all that’s coming around the bend, but Jesus is lighting our way for today’s steps and we are very optimistic. What do you do When the Moon Hits Your Eye like a big pizza pie? **

The doctor predicted that May 19, would be the hardest day yet for Evan Moon, since his brain surgery on May 16, 2016. The day did prove hard, but friends represented in sending Moonbeams, i.e. words of encouragement, songs, poems, funny stories

From the Moon family:

IMG_3163“Before surgery we were advised that some functions, controlled by the part of the brain where the mass was removed, could be impacted. Evan has been affected in his speech and his left arm and leg. We need to specifically pray for his ability to speak what he’s thinking and experience consistent movement to his entire left side. He is in an intense physical therapy. However, we are seeing answers to our earnest prayers. Many have asked if we have heard from pathology. We have not and do not expect a planning meeting with doctors for another one to two weeks.” At this time Evan had been moved to the Emory rehab hospital.

When the Moon is not full the Stars shine ever so bright. Is your life shining like a Jesus twinkling star?

On May 21, Evan’s parents shared, “During this recovery journey there will be much success and some setbacks. As we traverse this with Evan we may ask for general prayers on those difficult days. Today is one of those days. Evan was moved from the rehab center back to the hospital and a specialized unit is managing his care. Rest for Evan’s body is very important to his recovery.”

As Evan battles a day of seizures, we experienced Food Delivery without the Moon.

An update from Tuesday, May 24…

Poem“Evan stays strong through this rocky time. Doctors are still very encouraged and are focusing on finding the perfect balance of medication. As part of the recovery plan, the doctors have had Evan resting since Saturday as he battled the side effect of seizures. His seizures appear under control and now he will be transitioned back to rehab therapy. Evan’s father, Terry, experienced a loss of vision Sunday and had an emergency eye surgery to repair a tear to his retina on Sunday night. The eye hospital gave us special treatment due to Evan’s situation. Terry had a follow up eye appointment this morning and received a wonderful report. Thankfully Evan was asleep during Terry’s eye surgery and does not know it happened, protecting him from any anxiety. We are still waiting on the pathology report. Another praise, Evan’s mom, Denise, was approved for FMLA as Evan’s primary caregiver so her job is protected during this time. We thank you for the prayers, financial assistance and graciously honoring our request for no visitors at this time. Please continue to pray for complete healing for Evan as we experienced “Moonbeams” and Laser beams.”

May 25 found Evan weening off the non-seizure medication and battling drowsiness after resting several days. He wanted to hold his mom’s hand the entire day. Friends were Sending more Moonbeams including videos from Destin Sandlin of Smarter Every Day encouraging Evan not to be frustrated as he regains his speech. Today was a successful speech therapy day as Evan counted to ten and responded to word tests.

We are all better together for having Evan Moon in our lives and in our community. As we enter camping week, it’s bittersweet for us to live out in the woods without Evan. Our Decatur, GA, crew will be joining us at Oak Mountain State Park and we will continue to enjoy some shenanigans in honor of Evan. We will pray for him and we will expect him to join us next year!

If you would like to keep informed about Evan’s recovery progress, please follow Grace Klein Community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter or read the posts at We will continue to provide updates.

As a part of Grace Klein Community, we have an assistance program so that we can care for members of our community by giving financially to emergency needs. Having unexpected brain surgery, with a very high deductible, and missing work indefinitely, plus his parents needing to miss work to care for Evan, financial assistance is an immediate need. We at Grace Klein Community want to provide a place to receive funds for these expenses and to relieve the entire financial burden. Grace Klein Community is a 501(c)3 non-profit and all contributions are tax-deductible. All funds received on behalf of Evan Moon will be used to pay incurred bills directly to the vendors.

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