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Hope Does Not Disappoint

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From the Moon family:

IMG_0854“We’ve made it another four days. The visits have been encouraging to all of us. Therapy is challenging, days and nights can be long, but seeing a smile from a friend can go a long way.

Evan was fitted for his radiation mask on Friday. The unknown of all that, how it feels and the snugness of the apparatus made Evan a bit nervous and anxious, but it was not as bad as he had imagined and he took a few pictures to show you guys what it’s like and how it fits on his face.

For physical therapy Evan was fitted for special shoes. He was a little over eager and wanted to move fast. He got a stern talking to from his therapist, which he said he needed, to remember to be careful and slow down. A huge part of the training at Emory is safety. Evan does not want to take breaks in treatment, he pushes to the limit and is determined to regain all his words and walk. Evan took this video in therapy so you can see some of what he does to build strength.

Therapy (Click here <—-) Check out this video of Evan’s progress during therapy.

IMG_0855Evan’s speech is a bit mixed up sometimes and he has been approved for a special class for additional help. He thinks of the right word, but sometimes a different word comes out. For example, he thinks he’s saying giraffe, but instead says zebra. His brain also forgets to pause when he’s talking so he runs out of breath and his body is compensating by having him yawn to give him lulls. He yawns “about 2000 times a day” right now and that’s driving him a little crazy. He is thankful to talk and he does not let a few misplaced words stop him from trying. He does speech homework in his spare time to help re-train his brain.

He was able to stand and take two steps on his left leg with side support. He also wakes up and stretches his left leg when he is not focused on trying to stretch it. Evan adamantly says, “I will walk.”

Thankfully Denise is able to be with Evan around the clock, taking Evan outside for sunshine, helping him understand assigned “homework,” monitoring his rest, food and visitors, and helping him in the middle of the night. The radiation and chemo schedule of when to eat, when not to eat, when to take pills and when to be at therapy is going to be tedious, but she has it mapped out so she knows what Evan needs to do when for maximum positive effects. Radiation and chemo will start on Thursday of this week.

Terry and Brian spent this weekend beginning to prepare the sunroom for Evan to come home. Bathing may be challenging for a while. Simple modifications are being made as well as entry access. He will likely need a hospital bed, wheelchair and walker for now. We are excited to have Evan home once the rehabilitation treatment is over. Terry is working as he can, coming to and from the hospital as much as possible. Denise is unable to leave Evan’s side right now as she helps care for his immediate needs and aid in communication. Please continue to pray for strength and rest for all of us as we are tired.

In spite of our suffering, which include anxiety and fears of the unknown, we know we have the privilege and opportunity to continue to do good in the midst of suffering. We share as we can, whether it’s handing mints out to the staff or Evan making some folks laugh. The other day, Terry helped a stranger that ran out of gas. We have a choice to make time to love. We do not want to lose sight of Jesus or others in the midst of our own circumstances and we continue to look for opportunities to love.

IMG_3305Evan is encouraged by visits from family and close friends. Food and prayers have brightened his days. We appreciate your respecting his energy levels by coming in small groups. Please do not come before notifying us. A great way to send us messages is via the email [email protected]. All visits must be planned and coordinated around his therapy schedule. We also thank you for not coming if you are sick as Evan cannot take chemo/radiation if he gets sick. Please remember to use the hand sanitizer when you come into his room.

We cannot thank you adequately or convey what your prayers mean to our family. We know Jesus is our help and we need His healing over Evan. Please continue to press in to Jesus for our family.”

Evan has shared these pictures below as close friends and family have visited him in the last few days. He is thankful for your investment in his life, for reminding him of his purpose, praying with him, laughing with him and in general loving him.

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1 Peter 4:12-19 says,

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings; that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And “if the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?” Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.”

Our finite minds struggle to understand suffering. Why would God allow Evan to suffer? Why would God’s will include Evan learning how to use the left side of his body again? We can all struggle to understand “why Evan” especially when we consider the love he has consistently given to the world. Today, let us consider “why not Evan?” Why not any of us?

As followers of Christ, we will suffer and experience trials. We cannot be surprised. But, we can rejoice that when we share in Christ’s sufferings, we will also rejoice and be glad when we see His glory revealed. Through Evan’s unexpected brain cancer, we are witnessing a man that is trusting God in his suffering and continuing to do good.

Evan is living out these 1 Peter 4 scriptures and showing that in the midst of suffering, God’s glory shows up and shows off.

IMG_0853As he travels down the halls of rehab, people laugh and smile, not because their suffering is easy, but because God is using one man to demonstrate good in the midst of pain. When his close friends stop by for a visit, they see Evan focusing on what is good, he’s sharing stories of his gratitude and explaining how his heart is overflowing with thankfulness. As Evan’s parents stay by his side, he does good to them by thanking them, reminding them of their value and cherishing the love between them. When Evan stuffs his pockets with mints and distributes them to everyone his path crosses, he is doing good. When he calls to check on how people are doing – how’s their marriage, how’s their money situation, how’s their mission trip, how did their surgery go, how’s their heart, how is “their” suffering – he is doing good.

Evan’s suffering has purpose. He’s refusing to sit around and wallow in “what ifs,” the tasks his body can’t yet do and the unknown of treatment. He is daily, hourly, entrusting himself to His Heavenly Father, receiving these moments as God’s plan for his life and resolving to live out the purposes of his life for this moment and the one after that.

In different ways, we all suffer, going through fiery trials we never hoped for or wanted. But, we too have a choice. Will we entrust ourselves to God’s plan and purpose for our lives, trusting that somehow the suffering we face will have depth and growth we cannot yet see? Will we resolve to follow Evan’s example and continue to do good while we suffer? Will we trust Him when the way seems dark and scary and we are completely out of control?

Today Evan woke up, looked at his mama and smiled saying, “today is a new beautiful day.” His left fingers moved this morning and he laughs at his jumbled up words. He is not afraid of what’s around the bend because, in his heart and mind he knows, today really is a good day.IMG_0858IMG_0859IMG_0856

Be encouraged and live with joy today as you remember what Jesus is doing in Evan. When you get frustrated with the “out of control” of your trial, suffering or difficulty, know Evan gets frustrated sometimes too. But, we keep trusting God for our next step, we keep surrendering ourselves over to Him, and we make the courageous choice to continue to do good.


“Evan! I have been following your status on Facebook but wanted to reach out personally. Chris and I are praying for your recovery and are very inspired by your faith. We love you and your heart!” – Adrienne and Chris Sherwood

IMG_0819Facebook Status from Jono Long:

“This is Evan Moon. He was in the first youth group I led in 1999. Evan is one of those “stories” you remind yourself of when you feel like you’re not accomplishing much as a Youth Pastor. For the past 17 years I’ve watched Evan grow into a man who serves Jesus like no one I’ve ever seen.

He went to Birmingham to help a ministry serve people in need for a week …… that week turned into a year. []

4 weeks ago Evan suffered a seizure and a few days later underwent emergency brain surgery at Emory to remove a tumor.

Tonight I was able to spend a little bit of time with him & his parents (my first ever “youth ministry volunteers”) in his room at the rehabilitation center. If you pray, pray for Evan. He’s got radiation & chemo ahead of him. Also pray he regains the use of the left side of his body.”

“If I can’t serve God with my whole body, I’ll just serve him with my right side” – Evan

Here are some ways to help the Moon family:

  • Pray

Apart from Jesus, prayer is the greatest gift we can ever give one another.

  • Send Moonbeams

Email words of encouragement, pictures, songs, etc. for Evan and his family to [email protected]

  • Give Financially towards the “Evan Moon Assistance Program”

Mail checks to:
Grace Klein Community, Inc., 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL, 35216
Memo: Evan Moon Assistance Program
OR via our website:

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