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July Summer Serve

DSC_4384We all love summer! Sleeping late, relaxing days at the pool, family vacations, movie nights, reading, art projects, bike rides and creek adventures. In the midst of all the play, we can sometimes forget about the many needs around us, in our own family, in our community and around the world.

On July 26, 2016 , you can sign up to come serve at Grace Klein Community. We always need helping hands with weeding, harvesting veggies, gathering eggs, stirring compost, organizing donations, keeping our work space clean, etc.

We are also organizing clothing for a special trade project and need a team of volunteers with incredible ideas, enthusiasm and a strong work ethic. If you can help us locate good quality clothing, sort clothing or help store clothing for a few weeks, we need you! If you can help promote the trade project, design a promotional flyer or recruit sponsors, we need you!

DSC_5261Please email [email protected] to sign up for July Summer Serve. Please include in your email the timeframe you can serve, how many people will come with you to serve, and in general the ages and skill levels of each person. Please mention the special trade project if you want to help with that need. We want to make sure we assign you the right projects so we work together to accomplish the best results.

Come in old clothing. Wear close-toed shoes. Bring a cold water bottle, bug spray and sunscreen. Expect to meet new people and have fun!

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July Summer Serve

DSC_4384We all love summer! Sleeping late, relaxing days at the pool, family vacations, movie nights, reading, art projects, bike rides and creek adventures. In the midst of all the play, we can sometimes forget about the many needs around us, in our own family, in our community and around the world.

On July 26, 2016 , you can sign up to come serve at Grace Klein Community. We always need helping hands with weeding, harvesting veggies, gathering eggs, stirring compost, organizing donations, keeping our work space clean, etc.

We are also organizing clothing for a special trade project and need a team of volunteers with incredible ideas, enthusiasm and a strong work ethic. If you can help us locate good quality clothing, sort clothing or help store clothing for a few weeks, we need you! If you can help promote the trade project, design a promotional flyer or recruit sponsors, we need you!

DSC_5261Please email [email protected] to sign up for July Summer Serve. Please include in your email the timeframe you can serve, how many people will come with you to serve, and in general the ages and skill levels of each person. Please mention the special trade project if you want to help with that need. We want to make sure we assign you the right projects so we work together to accomplish the best results.

Come in old clothing. Wear close-toed shoes. Bring a cold water bottle, bug spray and sunscreen. Expect to meet new people and have fun!

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