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AnnaDo you see that mama with a baby on her hip or the cute little girl that just smiled at you from her baby seat? Maybe you ate some of the watermelon she brought to share? Or helped her haul in buckets of tomato soup to stack on shelves? Maybe you helped her load some tomatoes to preserve? Or you ate her delicious Ukrainian soup? Maybe you held that sweet baby to give her a little break or set up a fan to keep that cuteness cool? You must know Anastasia Sudarsana!

One day she walked in the front door and introduced herself. Our friends from Lesotho, Godfrey and Elizabeth, were sharing that night and she stayed around to listen and engage. Another day, she came and hung out on the back porch with several ladies and shared her story of coming to America. We shared some rescued food with her family, to bless them, and now they have become our family.

Anna 1Anastasia is married to Kadek, an amazing guy from Indonesia, who owns Taco Tech, a delicious Birmingham based restaurant. Follow them on Instagram and go get you some! They are delicious. Taco Tech donated ten shirts for door prizes for our “No More Safety Pins” event in September 2016, and we are very thankful for their support!

Anastasia and Kadek have shared their fridge space for overflow rescued food as she’s helped preserve plums and tomatoes. She and Ayu, their oldest daughter, have also helped organize a large pickup of food bank items at the office. She has helped sort through produce to pull out the good, load the office fridges, take out trash and deliver boxes of fresh food to neighbors and friends. She’s willing to help, bringing her newborn Vera, along.

On Mondays, she comes to our Prayer and Worship Gathering, contributing her yummy cooking and her encouraging words. Anastasia is always asking everyone how they are doing and getting to know others in the community. She is not afraid to be vulnerable or pop in on friends when she has time to chat, which encourages all of us to do the same.

Anastasia helped promote our No More Safety Pins event on social media, inviting friends and helping sort clothing. She volunteers when she can, with the girls, and is eager to share her time to help others. Having a 8 month old baby does not stop her from contributing her time. She gets creative, takes breaks to feed Vera and gives as she can. No postpartum for Anna as she’s out and about loving on others!

If you are a new mama, please do not feel trapped at home, lonely and without fellowship. Be like Anna, stop in to visit friends, come by the office and sort food for a few hours, leave early if the baby gets fussy. Come grab some produce and deliver to some of your friends that are battling sickness, need some extra, or recently lost a job. Come meet Anna, another young mama, and share life together. We are better for knowing Anastasia. She helps us see that even as a young mama, we can contribute to our community!

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Stop On By

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AnnaDo you see that mama with a baby on her hip or the cute little girl that just smiled at you from her baby seat? Maybe you ate some of the watermelon she brought to share? Or helped her haul in buckets of tomato soup to stack on shelves? Maybe you helped her load some tomatoes to preserve? Or you ate her delicious Ukrainian soup? Maybe you held that sweet baby to give her a little break or set up a fan to keep that cuteness cool? You must know Anastasia Sudarsana!

One day she walked in the front door and introduced herself. Our friends from Lesotho, Godfrey and Elizabeth, were sharing that night and she stayed around to listen and engage. Another day, she came and hung out on the back porch with several ladies and shared her story of coming to America. We shared some rescued food with her family, to bless them, and now they have become our family.

Anna 1Anastasia is married to Kadek, an amazing guy from Indonesia, who owns Taco Tech, a delicious Birmingham Taco Truck. Follow them on Instagram and go get you some! They are delicious. Taco Tech has donated ten shirts for door prizes for our upcoming “No More Safety Pins” event and we are very thankful for their support!

Anastasia and Kadek have shared their fridge space for overflow rescued food as she’s helped preserve plums and tomatoes. She and Ayu, their oldest daughter, have also helped organize a large pickup of food bank items at the office. She has helped sort through produce to pull out the good, load the office fridges, take out trash and deliver boxes of fresh food to neighbors and friends. She’s willing to help, bringing her newborn Vera, along.

On Mondays, she comes to our Prayer and Worship Gathering, contributing her yummy cooking and her encouraging words. Anastasia is always asking everyone how they are doing and getting to know others in the community. She is not afraid to be vulnerable or pop in on friends when she has time to chat, which encourages all of us to do the same.

For our upcoming “No More Safety Pins” event, she is helping promote on social media, inviting friends and helping sort clothing. She volunteers when she can, with the girls, and is eager to share her time to help others. Having a newborn baby does not stop her from contributing her time. She gets creative, takes breaks to feed Vera and gives as she can. No postpartum for Anna as she’s out and about loving on others!

If you are a new mama, please do not feel trapped at home, lonely and without fellowship. Be like Anna, stop in to visit friends, come by the office and sort food for a few hours, leave early if the baby gets fussy. Come grab some produce and deliver to some of your friends that are battling sickness, need some extra, or recently lost a job. Come meet Anna, another young mama, and share life together. We are better for knowing Anastasia. She helps us see that even as a young mama, we can contribute to our community!

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