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Accumulating Riches

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“Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever. Light dawns in the darkness for the upright; he is gracious, merciful and righteous. It is well with the man who deals generously and lends; who conducts his affairs with justice. For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered forever.” – Psalm 112:1-6

Accumulating RichesMany men in our community represent the righteous and blessed, men who live in obedience to Christ and who are rich in the ways of God and the attributes of Jesus.  One man that we have considered this month is a father of three, soon to be four, a committed husband, a generous friend, someone who notices others, a servant, a diligent worker, a good neighbor, a contributor to community, a grace giver, and a faith builder. He trusts in the provision of Christ, working with all his heart, willing to lay down his own life, a picture of a life that exists to emulate Jesus. Meet one of our valuable community members, Brandon Burke, and praise the Lord that he is filled with Light that shines in the darkness.

Ask him to stay up late or rise early, he’s game. Listen to the love he has for his boy’s soccer team and their families. Watch him haul food and teach everyone delicious new recipes. He is not above anything. His attributes are hidden behind Jesus, taking the form of a servant, looking more like the One He worships. His children love God and love people. He is teaching them to serve, to share, to hold loosely to the things of this world. He is a rich man, accumulating wealth from the things of God – kindness, gentleness, humility, and love.

Accumulating RichesAlmost every Sunday, Brandon and his family serve the community by helping set up the GKC Trade Market. They come straight to the office, after their church service, and set out everything, before everyone arrives. Their children are right there with them, learning to serve others as a way of life. The kids gather the eggs, feed and water the chickens. The family always leaves with extra food to deliver and bless more families. Often they help with late night donation pickups, help with preservation of food, or invite new friends and family to join in.

If their schedule allows, they come to the office before the sun rises to help load the box truck with food for our once a month food delivery, help pack the boxes at Asbury UMC, and pray people out as families come pick up food to disperse around our city.

Accumulating RichesBrandon is serving Jesus through his career, with his local church, his son’s soccer team, in his neighborhood, with the families in their school co-op, and as a vital better together member of Grace Klein Community. Recently, he heard God calling them to adopt, a secret journey his wife had been having with Jesus for a long time, and so when he mentioned it to Eleanna, her heart was ready. They will be adopting a little girl from India, and they are currently raising adoption support through Grace Klein Community.

He is generous, honest, a leader, immovable and committed to his Heavenly Father. His life is a picture of obedience: not perfect, but striving to hold fast to what is truly Life. His home is inviting, cozy, welcoming, and represents who he is. He laughs and smiles and contributes. He leads us well as a master secret giver. He is very good to serve completely in the background, unnoticed and without accolades, but quietly impacting this community.

Accumulating RichesHow will you serve your neighbor? Will you think to serve chocolate slushies or remember to check the game roster for who is having a birthday? Do you know how to use the mango jicama slaw for fajitas or how to turn whole milk into yogurt? How about stewing tomatoes or making bags of ground beef? Need ideas to have your pastor, neighbors, or a family you have been meaning to get-to-know over for dinner? Ask Brandon and he will teach you how to make fabulous meals, open your home to new friends, and stretch your limited resources. He is eager to contribute what life has taught him and to learn from you all the things he has not yet learned.

Thank you, Brandon Burke, for choosing to open your life to Grace Klein Community and inviting all of us into your family. You make us better!  You hold the true treasure, Jesus.

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Accumulating Riches

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“Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever. Light dawns in the darkness for the upright; he is gracious, merciful and righteous. It is well with the man who deals generously and lends; who conducts his affairs with justice. For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered forever.” – Psalm 112:1-6

Accumulating RichesMany men in our community represent the righteous and blessed, men who live in obedience to Christ and who are rich in the ways of God and the attributes of Jesus.  One man that we have considered this month is a father of three, soon to be four, a committed husband, a generous friend, someone who notices others, a servant, a diligent worker, a good neighbor, a contributor to community, a grace giver, and a faith builder. He trusts in the provision of Christ, working with all his heart, willing to lay down his own life, a picture of a life that exists to emulate Jesus. Meet one of our valuable community members, Brandon Burke, and praise the Lord that he is filled with Light that shines in the darkness.

Ask him to stay up late or rise early, he’s game. Listen to the love he has for his boy’s soccer team and their families. Watch him haul food and teach everyone delicious new recipes. He is not above anything. His attributes are hidden behind Jesus, taking the form of a servant, looking more like the One He worships. His children love God and love people. He is teaching them to serve, to share, to hold loosely to the things of this world. He is a rich man, accumulating wealth from the things of God – kindness, gentleness, humility, and love.

Accumulating RichesAlmost every Sunday, Brandon and his family serve the community by helping set up the GKC Trade Market. They come straight to the office, after their church service, and set out everything, before everyone arrives. Their children are right there with them, learning to serve others as a way of life. The kids gather the eggs, feed and water the chickens. The family always leaves with extra food to deliver and bless more families. Often they help with late night donation pickups, help with preservation of food, or invite new friends and family to join in.

If their schedule allows, they come to the office before the sun rises to help load the box truck with food for our once a month food delivery, help pack the boxes at Asbury UMC, and pray people out as families come pick up food to disperse around our city.

Accumulating RichesBrandon is serving Jesus through his career, with his local church, his son’s soccer team, in his neighborhood, with the families in their school co-op, and as a vital better together member of Grace Klein Community. Recently, he heard God calling them to adopt, a secret journey his wife had been having with Jesus for a long time, and so when he mentioned it to Eleanna, her heart was ready. They will be adopting a little girl from India, and they are currently raising adoption support through Grace Klein Community.

He is generous, honest, a leader, immovable and committed to his Heavenly Father. His life is a picture of obedience: not perfect, but striving to hold fast to what is truly Life. His home is inviting, cozy, welcoming, and represents who he is. He laughs and smiles and contributes. He leads us well as a master secret giver. He is very good to serve completely in the background, unnoticed and without accolades, but quietly impacting this community.

Accumulating RichesHow will you serve your neighbor? Will you think to serve chocolate slushies or remember to check the game roster for who is having a birthday? Do you know how to use the mango jicama slaw for fajitas or how to turn whole milk into yogurt? How about stewing tomatoes or making bags of ground beef? Need ideas to have your pastor, neighbors, or a family you have been meaning to get-to-know over for dinner? Ask Brandon and he will teach you how to make fabulous meals, open your home to new friends, and stretch your limited resources. He is eager to contribute what life has taught him and to learn from you all the things he has not yet learned.

Thank you, Brandon Burke, for choosing to open your life to Grace Klein Community and inviting all of us into your family. You make us better!  You hold the true treasure, Jesus.

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