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Miller Family Adoption Yard Sale

“Before we were married, we discussed the possibility of adoption and knew that this would be one of the avenues God would use to grow our family. Adoption is a calling that we both feel like the Lord has placed on our lives. The Bible speaks a lot about how we, as followers of Christ, are commanded to care for children, and we feel that adoption is one specific way that the Lord is leading us to care for children at this stage in our life.

We are adopting domestically and hope to be placed with a birth family soon. We are currently in the process of updating our home study. God has been so kind to let us see fruit in this season of waiting. Waiting isn’t easy for either of us, but seeing that this time isn’t “wasted” is a huge encouragement. Please pray that we will choose joy while we wait and that we will continue to trust in God’s sovereignty and His perfect timing.” – Brooke Miller

Grace Klein Community donated various yard sale items for the Miller Family yard sale to help raise funds for their adoption.

The yard sale will take place on Saturday, March 25, 2017 from 7am – 3pm.
Location: 112 Braxton Way, Pelham, AL 35124

Let’s show our love and support by stopping by!

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