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Mother Hen

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You know the kind of woman that makes you think of a mother hen? Not in a fussy or irritating way, but you know the kind, that Mother Hen that makes you feel like she has pulled you up under her feathers to keep you close, to give you an extra cuddle and to make sure you feel safe and loved. That’s our Keisha! She’s always caring for everyone else, every kid is her kid, and she holds the family together. Lakeisha Greene is our Momma hen. Her life revolves around caring for others. She takes her mom to dialysis three days a week. She cares for nieces and nephews. She loves her family and is always talking about them.

When Lakeisha comes to GKC to pick up food, for the many people she feels called to serve, she stays and works up a sweat! She will unload heavy boxes, sort food, find room in the refrigerators, like a Tetris champ, help other people who are collecting food to share, and doesn’t leave until the job is done! Her sweet Momma tags along after enduring dialysis. She grabs a chair or a stair to sit on and watches her baby work. It must make her proud to see her daughter do all that work for other people.

DID YOU KNOW??? Lakeisha takes food to her mom’s dialysis appointments and shares food with families in the waiting room! Lakeisha is constantly thinking about others and what their needs might be. She is always prepared for those sweet moments when God whispers to her heart, challenging her to act in continuous obedience to His voice, loving on others in wonderful ways.

One of the things that makes Keisha stand out is her laugh. If we are upstairs when she arrives, her contagious laugh gives her away. Her smile will make you smile even if you don’t feel like it! You cannot have a bad day around Keisha! Her heart is so joyful! We are blessed to have her as a cheerful part of our GKC family!

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22

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Mother Hen

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You know the kind of woman that makes you think of a mother hen? Not in a fussy or irritating way, but you know the kind, that Mother Hen that makes you feel like she has pulled you up under her feathers to keep you close, to give you an extra cuddle and to make sure you feel safe and loved. That’s our Keisha! She’s always caring for everyone else, every kid is her kid, and she holds the family together. Lakeisha Greene is our Momma hen. Her life revolves around caring for others. She takes her mom to dialysis three days a week. She cares for nieces and nephews. She loves her family and is always talking about them.

When Lakeisha comes to GKC to pick up food, for the many people she feels called to serve, she stays and works up a sweat! She will unload heavy boxes, sort food, find room in the refrigerators, like a Tetris champ, help other people who are collecting food to share, and doesn’t leave until the job is done! Her sweet Momma tags along after enduring dialysis. She grabs a chair or a stair to sit on and watches her baby work. It must make her proud to see her daughter do all that work for other people.

DID YOU KNOW??? Lakeisha takes food to her mom’s dialysis appointments and shares food with families in the waiting room! Lakeisha is constantly thinking about others and what their needs might be. She is always prepared for those sweet moments when God whispers to her heart, challenging her to act in continuous obedience to His voice, loving on others in wonderful ways.

One of the things that makes Keisha stand out is her laugh. If we are upstairs when she arrives, her contagious laugh gives her away. Her smile will make you smile even if you don’t feel like it! You cannot have a bad day around Keisha! Her heart is so joyful! We are blessed to have her as a cheerful part of our GKC family!

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22

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