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A Glimpse of the Lord’s Hand

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As we (Grace Klein Community) look back on the years partnered with Kwathu Children’s Home, the time reflects the Glory of such a Faithful Father.

Look what the Lord has done over the past two years at Kwathu Children’s Home…

  • The first children’s home on the property has been completed, now home to 16 beautiful children.
  • The administration block has been completed, providing office space for the Directors and staff, as well as storage for tangible donations.
  • An additional well was placed on the property. There are now two wells on the property providing unlimited access to clean water.
  • A volunteer/staff house has been built on the property, providing accommodation for visiting volunteers/staff.
  • Kwathu Children’s Home began a tailoring program to grow the talents of the mamas – a dream come true for many years.
  • Kwathu Free Haven School opened its doors on January 2017, to 185 students.
  • Kwathu Children’s Home has branched out to love on the community around them through a weekly feeding program, every Monday thru Friday. The community mamas and children are ministered to through sharing of the word, song and dance activities lined up during the program. The community children are also given an opportunity to play and have fun at the children’s play park at Kwathu Children’s Home.
  • Kwathu Children’s Home hosts a weekly art program where community children come to showcase their skills in painting and drawing. Roughly 25 children attend the program every Friday. The children really enjoy participating in this activity and don’t want to miss a day. Kwathu uses visual Christian Arts to reach out and explain the word of God to the children.
  • Kwathu Children’s Home invested in Highlands Creative Academy School, assisting in the revamp, to keep the school open.  Currently 50 students attend the school, and Kwathu will be sending 16 children to Highlands Creative Academy through school sponsorship.

Highlands Creative Academy – School Sponsorship Program

In 2016, the Lord placed Highlands Creative Academy in the hearts of Agrippa and Jeanette Phiri, Directors of Kwathu Children’s Home. In September of 2016, Jeanette Phiri became a chairperson of Highlands Creative Academy, and today, both Agrippa and Jeanette are Co-Directors. Highlands Creative Academy is a small school, with great potential, providing school education from tiny tots in the baby class, til the 4th Grade. The school provides awesome art, music, dance and computer studies. However, towards the end of 2016, Highlands Creative Academy were edging towards closing their doors due to the lack of finance to revamp and care for the school, holding them back from providing continued quality education to their learners.

After much prayer, the Phiri’s reached out in faith asking for the provision of finance to revamp the school. The revamp would prevent the school from closing, which ultimately would have resulted in locals losing their jobs, and children being without affordable, quality education.
You guessed right, Father God not only provided the finance for the revamp, but also provided the workers willing to give of their time to invest in the school, and in the children. On January 6, 2017, Highlands Creative Academy shared an album on Facebook of the newly renovated school, and new teachers!

Now, that’s not all! The Phiri’s felt strongly about assisting with a school sponsorship opportunity, reaching the “forgotten” in the communities, those dying for the opportunity of education, coming from difficult living conditions and background. 16 young children were selected from surrounding communities to be a part of the school sponsorship program. I believe knees became raw as the prayers were sent upward for finance to send these children to school.

In December 2016, Grace Klein Community mailed a letter on behalf of Kwathu Children’s Home, appealing to folks to consider Kwathu Children’s Home with their year-end giving. A big thank you to all who gave towards Kwathu over December! Because of your giving efforts, 16 children have the opportunity of an education! All 16 children have been covered financially for their first quarter of school (3 months).

We appeal to all reading, would you consider contributing towards a child’s education in Zambia? The three month period will be over before we know it.

$100 per month covers school fees, food, uniform, and transportation for a child.

If you feel God leading you to give towards a child’s education, online donations can be given via the following link: OR check donations can be mailed to: Grace Klein Community, 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL 35216

Memo Line: Kwathu Children’s Home, Child Sponsorship

If you would like to select a specific child within the sponsorship program to give towards, please email [email protected] for further information.

“When you sponsor a school, you don’t just help the children in the school. We know, from many years of experience, that no school is an island. To make lasting improvements in the quality of education in individual schools, change must involve the head teacher, teachers, parents, local community, district education offices and ultimately, the national policy makers that surround and support each school.

School sponsors play an invaluable part in making this a success. Your contribution gives us the freedom to be creative, dream up innovative solutions, and implement them into the school.” – Jeanette Phiri, Director

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A Glimpse of the Lord’s Hand

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As we (Grace Klein Community) look back on the years partnered with Kwathu Children’s Home, the time reflects the Glory of such a Faithful Father.

Look what the Lord has done over the past two years at Kwathu Children’s Home…

  • The first children’s home on the property has been completed, now home to 16 beautiful children.
  • The administration block has been completed, providing office space for the Directors and staff, as well as storage for tangible donations.
  • An additional well was placed on the property. There are now two wells on the property providing unlimited access to clean water.
  • A volunteer/staff house has been built on the property, providing accommodation for visiting volunteers/staff.
  • Kwathu Children’s Home began a tailoring program to grow the talents of the mamas – a dream come true for many years.
  • Kwathu Free Haven School opened its doors on January 2017, to 185 students.
  • Kwathu Children’s Home has branched out to love on the community around them through a weekly feeding program, every Monday thru Friday. The community mamas and children are ministered to through sharing of the word, song and dance activities lined up during the program. The community children are also given an opportunity to play and have fun at the children’s play park at Kwathu Children’s Home.
  • Kwathu Children’s Home hosts a weekly art program where community children come to showcase their skills in painting and drawing. Roughly 25 children attend the program every Friday. The children really enjoy participating in this activity and don’t want to miss a day. Kwathu uses visual Christian Arts to reach out and explain the word of God to the children.
  • Kwathu Children’s Home invested in Highlands Creative Academy School, assisting in the revamp, to keep the school open.  Currently 50 students attend the school, and Kwathu will be sending 16 children to Highlands Creative Academy through school sponsorship.

Highlands Creative Academy – School Sponsorship Program

In 2016, the Lord placed Highlands Creative Academy in the hearts of Agrippa and Jeanette Phiri, Directors of Kwathu Children’s Home. In September of 2016, Jeanette Phiri became a chairperson of Highlands Creative Academy, and today, both Agrippa and Jeanette are Co-Directors. Highlands Creative Academy is a small school, with great potential, providing school education from tiny tots in the baby class, til the 4th Grade. The school provides awesome art, music, dance and computer studies. However, towards the end of 2016, Highlands Creative Academy were edging towards closing their doors due to the lack of finance to revamp and care for the school, holding them back from providing continued quality education to their learners.

After much prayer, the Phiri’s reached out in faith asking for the provision of finance to revamp the school. The revamp would prevent the school from closing, which ultimately would have resulted in locals losing their jobs, and children being without affordable, quality education.
You guessed right, Father God not only provided the finance for the revamp, but also provided the workers willing to give of their time to invest in the school, and in the children. On January 6, 2017, Highlands Creative Academy shared an album on Facebook of the newly renovated school, and new teachers!

Now, that’s not all! The Phiri’s felt strongly about assisting with a school sponsorship opportunity, reaching the “forgotten” in the communities, those dying for the opportunity of education, coming from difficult living conditions and background. 16 young children were selected from surrounding communities to be a part of the school sponsorship program. I believe knees became raw as the prayers were sent upward for finance to send these children to school.

In December 2016, Grace Klein Community mailed a letter on behalf of Kwathu Children’s Home, appealing to folks to consider Kwathu Children’s Home with their year-end giving. A big thank you to all who gave towards Kwathu over December! Because of your giving efforts, 16 children have the opportunity of an education! All 16 children have been covered financially for their first quarter of school (3 months).

We appeal to all reading, would you consider contributing towards a child’s education in Zambia? The three month period will be over before we know it.

$100 per month covers school fees, food, uniform, and transportation for a child.

If you feel God leading you to give towards a child’s education, online donations can be given via the following link: OR check donations can be mailed to: Grace Klein Community, 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL 35216

Memo Line: Kwathu Children’s Home, Child Sponsorship

If you would like to select a specific child within the sponsorship program to give towards, please email [email protected] for further information.

“When you sponsor a school, you don’t just help the children in the school. We know, from many years of experience, that no school is an island. To make lasting improvements in the quality of education in individual schools, change must involve the head teacher, teachers, parents, local community, district education offices and ultimately, the national policy makers that surround and support each school.

School sponsors play an invaluable part in making this a success. Your contribution gives us the freedom to be creative, dream up innovative solutions, and implement them into the school.” – Jeanette Phiri, Director

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