“You know the thing about God, when He gives you a heavy burden to carry, He gives you extra strength to carry it.” – Sonya Womack, age 78
A family member of the Moon’s shared the scripture, John 9:3, as an opportunity to believe that Evan’s healing will be a glorification for Christ. Let us believe together John 9:3 which says, “Jesus answered, ‘It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”
The Stage 3 cancer news for Evan Moon has been difficult for everyone to hear. We have all felt pain deep inside ourselves and looked at one another in shock. No one knows what to say.
Evan and his parents remain on the front lines in this battle, working with all they have, one day at a time, through speech therapy and physical therapy. Evan will be in the rehabilitation hospital until June 23, 2016. He is making great progress in recovering speech and he is absolutely determined to walk. He has been blessed to receive three weeks of intense therapy, when most people are only allowed two weeks. He is loving being outside in the sunshine!
From the heart of Evan…
Evan, what is your motivation?
“Even if this arm and leg don’t get better I will help people. But I will walk.” A day in Rehab (Check out this video <—)
Evan, what is your advice to us?
“Don’t poop in your pants.”
What is something you remember from after surgery?
“I couldn’t remember names and I had an inability to form words. I thought I went to the North Pole and then I realized I was “tripping out” on ICU medication. When I was taking those heavy medications I “visited” 17 different places so that was kind of cool.”
What has been your favorite song to listen to in the hospital?
“I have been listening to all types of music and to Jim Gaffey comedy.”
We all know you have been loving on people. How are you showing Jesus where you are?
“I have the same workers several days in a row and we have given them their favorite drink, chocolate bars or for my therapist, a jar of pickles.”
When does your chemo/radiation start?
“June 13, 2016 the chemo pills will start. Next week they are making my mask and will give us the radiation schedule. We are postponing our family beach trip until after six weeks of treatments.”
“The picture of Evan is what Evan does, lovingly serves. When my daughter announced the wedding date, without hesitation, Evan calls and says: “Count me in. I’ll do whatever you need for me to do.” And that is exactly what he did. He gave joyfully in excess without complaint. He gave to the Moon and back!” – Alicia Hamilton
Galatians 5:13 “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”
“To Evan:
First of all, I miss you and secondly, Hello from Julio! Story to follow….
So, I, through Grace Klein Community and Trader Joes shares, have been sharing bread with Julio, a landscaper in my neighborhood. He has been sharing with many from what we share. So, this time I added a little note asking Julio and his friends to pray for Evan. When Julio came to pick up the bread I gave him a quick update of what has transpired in your life over the last month. As I’m talking, Julio interrupted me and enthusiastically said, “I know Evan! He was the first one to deliver bread to me!” Then I said, “Oh Yes! I remember! I was at the office and had prepared you a box and couldn’t get it to you, but Evan was at the office and overheard the conversation and said he’d take the bread to you!”
So you see, Evan, you are not forgotten. Your faithfulness to serve God in a moment’s notice is touching people all over! You have made an imprint on many lives and Julio is another one of those who has enjoyed a smile and some love from you! He and his friends will begin praying for you immediately!
Hugs and love to you friend! Maria”
“Evan made a big impression immediately, and he was really consistent. He just kept showing up, either to the shop or on the tramples, and he always seemed to be in a great mood.
Another thing that strikes me is how he immediately started acting like we were friends, not strangers. A lot of times I struggle to quickly establish connections with people, but with Evan it was just implied or assumed, as it should be!
I’ve been thinking about him a lot since the last day I saw him. It was right after he had gotten out of the hospital and they had just found the mass in his brain. Despite the really scary news he was still positive and was just excited about getting his bike going.
I can’t wait for him to recover and start riding with us again. He’s such an awesome, funny, friendly, and loving guy who I’m really excited to have joining the Redemptive Cycles family! We love you Evan from the RC family (Check out this video <—)
Get better soon, Evan!
Love, Ryan Taylor”
“You are sweet. You hold a special place in my heart. You always listened to me whether I had good news or bad. And you were always so supportive of Austin and I. There were many people who questioned why I was with him during our younger years and sometimes I even questioned it myself 😜 but God always gave me a peace about the relationship and I knew he would step into the role of the man God intended him to be one day. You were there for some dark valleys in our relationship and I truly appreciate your friendship and Godly advice. I honestly couldn’t be happier with the man Austin has become and can’t wait to see him keep shining in the future. I know you will find someone special that will love you for you and help shine their light in the world as well. It will be such a special day when that wedding happens and we will not miss it for the world. Wherever we are living lol.” – Valerie
Hey Evan, check out this video from the Womacks! They’re still on their outwest adventure and wish you were with them.
“Thank you for being the guy that would park in a ditch to get his back tire off the ground because he could. I’ll never forget the time you and I were heading to a camp wedding and how you helped a guy get into his locked car and who talked me through the sinful craziness of a relationship. And thank you also for coming to my wedding. I’m super thankful for your influence in my life and for a great meal at your father’s restaurant so long ago! I love you bud and I know you don’t need these random memories and pats on the back because you know who is in control of your destiny, but I do so appreciate who God allowed you to be to me in my life.” – Jesse Carter
Here’s another fun “hello” from the kiddos at camping week! We love you! (Click here <—)
When Jesus calls us to be like Him in His servanthood, you seemed to have taken Him literally. I’m glad you have. You are an Ultimate Servant. You care deeply and quickly for people and seek to serve immediate needs with immediacy. Reisha and I have felt very cared for by you over the years (or two short months) we’ve known you. You have personally shown concern, encouraged us, upheld us in prayer, asked how you could serve us, and made us laugh. We see your passion for Jesus and remind you to know that He’s even more passionate for you.” – Andy Rhodenbaugh
“My name is Nash and I met Evan when I was a senior in high school in Louisville, GA, back in 2008 when he became the youth pastor for Cross Community Church in Louisville. He always arrived with a smile on his face which always gave me hope. I was living with my alcoholic mother and had grown up in foster care because of her habits and the absence of my father. Evan always had a way of listening, without judging, to my problems and just by being there he was able to show Jesus to me.
February 4th, 2009, at 8pm, I was at a bible study at his house when I received news on the phone that my mother passed in her sleep. She was 44 years old and I was a scared 17 year old kid in my last semester of high school. I stayed with Evan for a week and watched all the Lord of the Rings movies, while he never pressured me and loved me in the quiet way that he does. The next few months were a blur as I moved into my bipolar grandmothers house, but Evan was there every Wednesday to give me a ride to and from church, a 2 hour extra trip for him when all was said and done. When my grandmother kicked me out of the house because she had an episode and blamed me for the death of my mother, Evan welcomed me into his house rent free and no questions asked. It was in this house I was able to get my first job, save up money and move away for college. I am currently in my senior year at Georgia Southern University and am going to graduate in Spring 2017 with a 3.9 GPA. I will be the first in my family to graduate from college and am in the 1% of former foster kids to graduate from college. All of my success is credited to Jesus moving in my life and using Evan to love me. Evan Moon is the nicest, most patient, humble, and unashamed Christian man I have ever known. The only thing I have ever spoken against him is that he doesn’t think of himself enough, which if you asked me, isn’t a defect at all. I want to be more like Evan every day because it means I would be more like Jesus. And he doesn’t smell that bad either. Praying for you Evan.” – Nash Higdon
Here are some ways to help the Moon family:
- Pray
Apart from Jesus, prayer is the greatest gift we can ever give one another.
Buy a T-Shirt
45 T-Shirts have already been purchased in support of the Moon family. Another order will be placed on Wednesday, June 8, 2016. If you missed the first round of orders, go ahead and place your order now.
Cost: Small – XL $25 each (including shipping)
XXL $26 each (including shipping)
The T-Shirts are only available in white.
To order, email [email protected] with your size, quantity, and email address. You will receive an invoice with payment details. Please advise if you would like to collect your t-shirt, or if you would like to have it shipped. Collection in Sanford, NC, is available.
- Send Moonbeams
Email words of encouragement, pictures, songs, etc. for Evan and his family to [email protected]
- Give Financially towards the “Evan Moon Assistance Program”
Mail checks to:
Grace Klein Community, Inc., 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL, 35216
Memo: Evan Moon Assistance Program
OR via our website: