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Agape Feast – July 11th, 2015

Agape Feast

“…breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” – Acts 2:46-47

Come celebrate and share how Christ has loved you!

The deepest fellowship of believers is expressed in the Greek with the beautiful word koinonia. Read more about the meaning of koinonia on the home page of our website. We are planning the Agape Feasts to emulate the examples of the early church where they came together for fellowship, prayer, to share food with glad and generous hearts, to celebrate their unity in Christ, and to anticipate His return. The Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

We believe God will use our love for Him and our love for one another to draw more to Jesus. Love is powerful and we are not capable of loving apart from Christ.

We are planning an evening of encouragement and reflection that you do not want to miss!!

Here’s what to expect….

Sign up your family to attend an Agape feast on July 11th, 2015. We will randomly mix all the families and email you where to go a day or so before the event. Each home with be a small gathering of 4-5 families so that no one feels lost in a crowd.

Start praying now of how you wish to contribute to the evening. We will expect everyone to contribute in some way so that we can experience how beautiful it is when every person of the body of Christ contributes. Please come prepared for every member of your family to be involved in some way.

Ideas of how you contribute:

  • read a favorite scripture
  • share something God is teaching you
  • sing a song or play a song on an instrument
  • make a small token of love to give to the other attendees
  • write a poem to share
  • read an excerpt from your prayer journal
  • play a song off your phone that has ministered to your heart
  • tell a fun story of when God stretched you to do something you could have never done without Him
  • show a video clip that God used to challenge you
  • bring an item for “show and tell” that brings your thoughts to Christ
  • pray during the share time
  • share a God story/God moment where you saw Him work or experienced Him in a special way

Examples: an act of His provision, a way He spoke to you, a moment when you knew “that’s God!”

On the night of the agape feast, bring a dish to share or a couple of dishes if you wish. You can bring an appetizer, salad, side, meat or dessert. Pray and bring what the Lord leads, prepared with love.

Arrive at the host home you are assigned to by 6pm. Enjoy the fellowship as you make new friends and celebrate our best friend, Jesus. Remind your children to respect the home and to participate in the evening festivities. Talk to each other and include one another. Enjoy the meal together. Laugh. Delight in who Jesus is and the importance He plays in your life.

Before July 11th, 2015, sign up quickly to attend an Agape Feast. If you would like to be a host home to share your gift of hospitality, please email [email protected]

Ways you can help spread the word…

  • Commit to come yourself and tell people you are in
  • Invite friends to sign up through your social media sites
  • Email your friends and invite them personally
  • Text your people and tell them to come
  • Invite your co-workers, neighbors, workout friends, small groups, sports teams, etc.

*no cost of admission, we will have offering baskets available at the host homes if you feel led to give to the ministry outreaches of Grace Klein Community. Grace Klein Community is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.*

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