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An India Trek- September 2016

We haven’t seen our friends in India since 2013 and the time has come to visit them again.  Our desire is to share Jesus with the people of Southern India. Grace Klein Community will be sending a small team in September 2016.

13390881_10206739678271661_261858532_nSince our last trip, our partnership has expanded. God has used us to help supply drinking water to the Grace City Campus, which is growing in its capacity to host groups. We have also maintained emotional, spiritual, and prayer support with our brothers and sisters in southern India. As we all seek to share Christ, in our daily lives, God uses each of us to encourage one another and spur one another on to love and good deeds. Nothing is easy about daily surrendering our wants to others’ needs, but God is refining and changing us, both here and in India.

During the September trip, we will meet with our ministry partners about a possible return next May to assist in a week-long youth training program. The vision for the program is expanding to include more young people receiving vocational training along with more intensive Bible training. A team from Grace Klein Community will help them reach this vision by teaching vocational skills, leading Bible studies, and preaching the gospel in nearby villages. We believe meeting about these dreams face-to-face will help us communicate more clearly so that we only give the best support that our friends in the Lord need. We do not want to bring any agenda to our visits, but to come alongside as a help and support to the existing work God is doing through His people.

13446025_10206791524447783_52918542_oOur September visit will also focus on encouraging our friends in Bangalore, where Pastor Chandra, Manjula and their grandson Krupa continue to minister to the Hanna Krupa Memorial Church. Pastor Chandra has been battling cancer since the summer of 2013, but despite recent setbacks, his health continues to improve and the church has grown, demonstrating God’s power in community. They have rallied around Pastor, giving sacrificially to support his medical needs, and gathering around him regularly in prayer.  We long to pray with this church, encourage them in the Word, listen to testimonies of their faith journey, and share what God has been doing in our own hearts.

In Ongole, Nathaniel is working to find a home for two dozen children with HIV. These children need a place where they can live comfortably, study, and receive physical and spiritual support. We desire to link arms with these children, by establishing a program through Grace Klein Community, that will allow American families to “adopt” these children for the purpose of befriending them, praying for them, and encouraging them.  In September we want to meet with Nathaniel to determine the best approach to engage families with these valuable children.

Would you consider supporting our efforts in India?  For the upcoming visit, we are raising funds as a team and have a goal of $6,000. Your donations to Grace Klein Community are tax-deductible and 100% will go directly towards travel to and from India and supporting our partners, Madhuri’s Mission, and their obedience to Jesus, in India.

If you feel God leading you to contribute towards the trip, here’s how you can give financially:

Mail checks to:

Grace Klein Community, Inc., 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL, 35216
Memo: Madhuri’s Mission

OR via our website:


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