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“Are you kidding? I love this!”

“I LOVE organizing!” These three words are often rare, yet BEAUTIFUL when heard from the lips of an energetic, self-motivated volunteer who isn’t afraid of taking initiative and tackling a task that may seem tiresome to others.  Giavanna is one such mama. No task is too difficult for her. No height is too hard to reach. No situation to too dirty to take care of.

Regularly, Giavanna devotes her days to volunteering at the Grace Klein Community office, taking on anything and everything that needs attention. When you are looking for something in the GKC kitchen, and happen to find what you need in two seconds, thank Giavanna (along with Nikki and Mary Grace, to name a few.) She also gives of her time serving in the Give and Take Room and garage, where she puts her natural talents to work. Giavanna makes things accessible, but also makes them beautiful! She’s a joy to be around and her attitude will lift your spirits. Think: The Seven Dwarfs meet the Fairy Godmother…You can almost hear the Seven Dwarfs singing “Whistle While You Work” while Giavanna glides around the room magically waving everything into its place.

Everyone sees the world differently and has creative ideas and suggestions to make Grace Klein Community better.  One day we had a load of spoiled milk that we were about to load into the dumpster.  She came running to stop us.  Giavanna saved landfill costs and the environment that day, and subsequent days, when she reminded us to pour out the milk and recycle the containers.  DUH!  How had we missed this seemingly obvious detail?? But we had! Thankfully people like Giavanna see a more effective way for something to be done and take the time to teach us.  Proof evidence that we are better together.

If you came to our No More Safety Pins event in August, the pretty that you saw tucked here, there and everywhere was from the creativity of this woman.  She found an easel here, tied ribbon there, added some baskets, turned some buckets upside down.  Everything turned into a work of art to make the space beautiful which in turn helped make all the ladies feel beautiful.  Isn’t that how Jesus is?!  Bringing beauty from a touch of freckles on her checks, a twinkle in her eyes and a contagious smile, Jesus can make you feel like a morning with Giavanna was a couple of hours with Him.  She exudes His grace that has been so lavishly poured over her life.  The authenticity of her friendship with Jesus makes you want to know Him deeper.

Her spirit will move something in your spirit. She will encourage you to do more. Last week, we were thanking her for taking her day to volunteer at the office and her response, “Are you kidding? I LOVE this!” We told her we are SOOO glad she does!  The heart and purpose of Grace Klein Community is lived out through people like Giavanna. We aren’t just sharing food, clothing, and small household items; we are sharing our time, talents, and resources. We are sharing God’s love. Isn’t that why we are all here? Giavanna, thank you for sharing Jesus’ heart with those around you. Thank you for the example you set for many, young and old. Thank you for giving of yourself. We love you!

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