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Be a Champion

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“Once You spoke in a vision to Your devoted ones and said, I have endowed one who is mighty [a hero, giving him the power to help — “to be a CHAMPION for Israel]; I have exalted one chosen from among the people.” – Psalm 89:19 

“The day I met Ovid Haskins I heard the word “champion.” His demeanor and his energy told me that shoe certainly fit. His work ethic and strength is way beyond what I would expect for someone his age and his integrity outshines even that. Then I met Gayle Haskins… and I heard “champion” again. Hmm, I thought, both of them? Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt. Gayle is quiet, humble, respectful and although she is a woman of very few words in the natural, she ROARS in the Spirit! Then it made sense. I believe it says in Genesis 2:24, and I am paraphrasing, “the two shall become one flesh.” They may work and do things differently, but they are one in every other way that counts.

While Mr. Haskins is off doing pickups offsite, Mrs. Haskins is upstairs in her own “upper room” silently reading her Bible and praying over Grace Klein Community and her beloved. For every activity that is performed, prayer is placed over it. These two working together as one is the perfect Biblical example of the Gospel. Being the hands and feet of Jesus, in modeling authentic community in a loving relationship, is what we at Grace Klein hope to establish everywhere our volunteers step. I am so encouraged that we have such a diverse group of volunteers and especially seniors right now at Grace Klein.

Today Ovid is learning how to drive the bobcat and is out in our office driveway practicing so he will be ready to unload pallets from our box truck next week. Ovid is one of our box truck drivers and he handles all Tuesday and Friday pickups. His pickups include: box donations, surprise donations and daily produce donations. We love his willing heart, his kindness to every person who comes through the GKC door, and his desire to learn new things. As we are learning from our seniors, if you are still breathing, you are still on mission for Jesus.

Seniors have so much to offer and a wealth of wisdom that we can all draw from as they invest in each of us. We have been praying for God to send us more retired friends to come serve alongside us and He is hearing and answering our prayers! Blessed be the name of the Lord! Join us in praying for more seniors and remember to wake up and be a champion for Jesus wherever your days take you.

Thank you, Ovid & Gayle for walking out “Love Does” at Grace Klein.”

– Tracie Mark, Serve Team Coordinator  

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