Back story:
On December 22, 2018, we finished our final food delivery of the year and closed our office doors (to the general public) until January 2, 2019. Though we still had at least five food rescue pickups during the period while we were closed and yes, we even opened the office one day due to the volume of food we received. But, for the most part, we intentionally did not work for 10 entire days. Our staff needed it. We need a big gigantic pause. First to remember an incredible year of God’s incredible faithfulness and then to pray and press in to what He had for us in 2019.
One important moment happened after Church of the Highlands Grandview gave us their leftover Christmas Eve service candles. God SPOKE.
Here’s the text that was sent to one of our community artists, Kim Parmley, on December 30, 2018….
“Hey sis. God gave me an idea. Church of the Highlands gave us all their leftover candles. It’s a lot. Wondered if we could create some little simple business card size card we could tie around them that we give them out when people come to GKC or to gkc events. A theme for this year about “BE” the salt and light. I wondered if you could draw your salt and light image with “BE” draw behind it or some variation God gives you and maybe write out the scripture for the back of the card with the website and the office number also incorporated on the back of card with the scripture and then we could get a bunch of burlap string donated and the cards hole punched and tied around the candles. Then like your family would have 3 that you could display together at your house or in different rooms as the 2019 reminder What you think?”
And January 1, 2019, at 8:30pm we had a design. Go God!!
The next step was to find a graphic designer that could create the freehand design into a printable design. We got the drawings to Jessy Jones who worked to turn it into a small type card that could be hole-punched and tied around the candle.
After the design was firm, a print shop donated the printing for these sweet little cards.
Next we needed burlap string so we ask the community for that need on Acts 4:32 and friends shared.
Fast forward to now:
We finally had all the different parts of the vision created and in one place where serve teams could hole punch the cards, with a heart hole punch, no less, and pull the string through the hole, wrap tightly around the candle and tie the card to the candle.
And then the vision became a reality. We have hardly been able to contain it. God spoke and through community it has happened!!
Now, we are ready to remind everyone what God made clear would be our focus for 2019 – BE SALT and LIGHT!!
First, you may have noticed that we are teaching a concept each week on social media regarding what the Bible says about being salt and light.
We are also giving practical examples of how to be salt and light such as the stories in Bundles of Fresh Flowers. As we receive opportunities or ideas to equip one another to BE salt and light, we will share the resources, ideas and opportunities.
Finally, when you come by GKC or see us at a speaking engagement, we will send you home with a candle and encourage you to put your little candle in some salt in your bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, wherever… as a visual reminder to stay on track this year. Remember to live every day with the intentional focus to be salt and light.

We believe God has more for us in 2019. He wants more intimacy with each of us. He wants our attention and affections. He wants us to KNOW Him so we can go around being salt and light so that people will see our lives and glorify our Father in heaven.
Kind of a round the world story, but isn’t it more fun to see how God brings it all together to become a reality. Come by the office and get your candle!! Hope to see you soon!
Be salt and light.