Grace Klein Community creates many different intentional gatherings to provide opportunities for members to laugh, grow, serve, pray, and worship together. Our events give opportunities for members to live life together. A special favorite, ladies nights! A time for women of all ages to let go, laugh a little, cry a lot, and just be free to share their hearts without the sense of judgement from the world. The Lord brings us together in our imperfection, brokenness and insecurities, (vulnerability at it’s best,) and turns our burdens of this world into beautiful surrender to the Father as we journey life together.
Hear from the heart of our dear sister, Grace Wong, of her experience at a ladies gathering …
“One of the most striking things about Grace Klein Community is the sense of family among those who take part in its ministry. I saw this beautifully demonstrated on my first full day here in Birmingham. Natalie and Jenny brought me to a ladies evening hosted by Margaret Wilson at her home. Gathered there were a number of women who had been part of GKC in some way. Some had only recently been introduced to the ministry and others had been serving in GKC for many years.
We shared a meal together and had a relaxed time getting to know one another. After dinner, I had the opportunity to play the violin for the women and share about my experience of serving in South Africa with Beats and Books, one of GKC’s global partners. But the most amazing part of the evening began when Jenny invited each of the women to introduce themselves and tell something of their story and connection with GKC. There was a rare openness and vulnerability in the group, even though many of us had just met one another for the first time. I heard stories of lives turned around, new purpose discovered, hope being renewed and meaningful friendships formed. It was mind-blowing to hear of the thousands of individuals who had been shown care and provision through GKC. Most of all, I carried away the sense that those who come to GKC are welcomed into the family with open arms and find a place of love and belonging.
When the evening was over, it was hard to leave with so much conversation going on. I look forward to seeing more of God’s heart lived out in the community during the remainder of my stay in Birmingham.” – Grace Wong, Beats and Books – Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa