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Brookhills Serve Day

IMG_8650“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” – Romans 12:1

On October 31, 2015, around 75 youth from The Church at Brookhills flooded Grace Klein Community sites all around the city. For approximately four hours, kids and chaperones worked fast and diligently.

Some served at the Grace Klein Community office sorting donations, cleaning out the chicken laying boxes, discarding damaged or expired donations, cleaning the kitchen and organizing donated food. Another crew served at the community house by raking and bagging leaves, cleaning drywall dust and moving rotten deck debris to the dumpster.

IMG_8721Three yard sales were scattered around the city to raise funds for local ministry efforts, the GKC Emergency Assistance Program and Kwathu Children’s Home. Volunteers helped set up, sell, face paint, organize, promote and clean up. The kids also raked the yards to bless the yard sale host homes.

Clean up and moving indoor turf was another serving spot as teenagers helped A41, a non-profit gym that provides training, tutoring and cross fit to many children and adults that could otherwise never afford such services. The gym is used as an avenue for ministry and discipleship.

Serve DayOur last spot was cleaning and discarding trash at another community intentional house in downtown Birmingham with our partners, Common Thread. The house has been gutted and is almost complete for young adults to live and work together as they minister in Jesus’ name.

The rain danced around us as we worked. Much was accomplished through prayer, fellowship and working hard with our hands. Time went quickly and many of the volunteers stayed past the committed time to keep serving and to give just a little more.

If you would like to schedule a serve day with your child’s sports team, youth group, your men’s group or a handful of friends, please email We always need more volunteers!

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Brookhills Serve Day

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IMG_8650“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” – Romans 12:1

On October 31, 2015, around 75 youth from The Church at Brookhills flooded Grace Klein Community sites all around the city. For approximately four hours, kids and chaperones worked fast and diligently.

Some served at the Grace Klein Community office sorting donations, cleaning out the chicken laying boxes, discarding damaged or expired donations, cleaning the kitchen and organizing donated food. Another crew served at the community house by raking and bagging leaves, cleaning drywall dust and moving rotten deck debris to the dumpster.

IMG_8721Three yard sales were scattered around the city to raise funds for local ministry efforts, the GKC Emergency Assistance Program and Kwathu Children’s Home. Volunteers helped set up, sell, face paint, organize, promote and clean up. The kids also raked the yards to bless the yard sale host homes.

Clean up and moving indoor turf was another serving spot as teenagers helped A41, a non-profit gym that provides training, tutoring and cross fit to many children and adults that could otherwise never afford such services. The gym is used as an avenue for ministry and discipleship.

Serve DayOur last spot was cleaning and discarding trash at another community intentional house in downtown Birmingham with our partners, Common Thread. The house has been gutted and is almost complete for young adults to live and work together as they minister in Jesus’ name.

The rain danced around us as we worked. Much was accomplished through prayer, fellowship and working hard with our hands. Time went quickly and many of the volunteers stayed past the committed time to keep serving and to give just a little more.

If you would like to schedule a serve day with your child’s sports team, youth group, your men’s group or a handful of friends, please email We always need more volunteers!

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