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Brookhills Serve Day – Collide Weekend 2016

On January 23, 2016, around 100 youth from The Church at Brookhills served at various Grace Klein Community sites all around the city. For approximately 4 hours, the youth and chaperones worked with hearts willing to serve, despite the cold.

Building BoxesSome served at the Grace Klein Community office cleaning the yard, caring for the chickens, sorting donations, building boxes for food drives, and organizing donated food. Others served at the Grace Klein Community house cleaning the yard, painting the walls of two rooms prepared to host missionaries, and taking care of a few things around the home.

Another crew served at the home of a single mom, assisting with laundry, clean up, and intentional time with her children, freeing up a few hours for her to run errands and spend some much needed quality time with Jesus.

“When I opened my door to 13 8th grade girls, with big smiles and cleaning supplies, I was a little humbled to know they were here to help me. I was worried there was someone else that would need service more. They told me to go enjoy some time by myself and they would take care of the kids. I enjoyed lunch alone with my bible. I went grocery shopping, ran some errands, and just enjoyed some breathing time. It is not time I get often lately as a single mom.  I came home to my apartment that was clean from top to bottom; they even did our laundry! My kids had a blast. They took them to a nearby park, played games, and made them feel special. When they left, I cried. God had blessed me so much with this sweet group of girls.  What a sweet gift!! Because everything was done in the house, I had time to spend the evening with my kids. That was the greatest gift ever. I am so grateful. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus for me and my children.” 

IMG_9824A number of the young ladies served at volunteer Dana Owen’s home, preparing ready to eat home cooked meals that are distributed to families in need, while another group served at the home of an elderly lady struggling with her health, leaving her home cluttered and dirty. They emptied, cleaned and repacked the fridge, organized the kitchen, cleaned the floors, cleaned the bathrooms, and dusted. These ladies worked fast and diligently, wherever help was needed.

IMG_9841A group of young men served at partner ministry, The Common Thread Community, removing nails from pallet wood for re-purposing, while a group of ladies served at Metro CME, another partner ministry of Grace Klein Community that serve with the monthly food delivery ministry. The ladies helped clean up at the church by sorting and organizing donated clothing from friends of Grace Klein Community. Metro CME plans to have a donation room, similar to our Give and Take room at the office.

With over 200 families in need, we were short of volunteers to distribute food boxes to families in need this month, through the monthly food delivery ministry. (We usually have a waiting list of over 20 individuals/families who are unable to receive a food box due to a shortage of volunteers.) Another group of youth served food delivery recipients throughout Birmingham by delivering much needed food to their homes, creating new friendships, and praying over the families. Our monthly food delivery ministry is a great way to get involved in the city of Birmingham, and help is always needed.

The cold weather was tough, but, with hard working hands, fellowship and prayer, a considerable amount was accomplished.

If you would like to schedule a serve day with your child’s sports team, youth group, your men’s group or a handful of friends, please email [email protected]. We always need more volunteers!

Hear the heartfelt testimony’s of volunteers who served this weekend:

“I loved serving this weekend! God personally revealed Himself to me by providing majority of the groceries we needed to cook meals for those in need (due to sickness, job loss, and those going through difficult days.) I also enjoyed seeing the teens eager to serve. My most favorite time was praying over the meals and Grace Klein Community after we finished cooking and cleaning. The Lord gave me the words to share with the girls about the needs around Birmingham. Furthermore, they were challenged to look for opportunities to share blessings with others AND appreciate every blessing. Saturday was a gift from Him!” – Dana Owens

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” – James 1:17

“In being a part of Serve Day, I felt as if I was observing and experiencing the Body of Christ in action. In my role as videographer, I saw students and leaders living out the teachings of Matthew 25:35-40, working diligently with a servant’s heart, preparing clothes, meals, painting, and cleaning, all in the service of those in need. It brought me even more joy to see some of the students rejoicing and worshipping as they completed their work, even expressing the will to do more! Truly, through the service of all involved, I believe God was glorified.” – Michael Kline

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” – Matthew 25: 35-40




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Brookhills Serve Day – Collide Weekend 2016

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On January 23, 2016, around 100 youth from The Church at Brookhills served at various Grace Klein Community sites all around the city. For approximately 4 hours, the youth and chaperones worked with hearts willing to serve, despite the cold.

Building BoxesSome served at the Grace Klein Community office cleaning the yard, caring for the chickens, sorting donations, building boxes for food drives, and organizing donated food. Others served at the Grace Klein Community house cleaning the yard, painting the walls of two rooms prepared to host missionaries, and taking care of a few things around the home.

Another crew served at the home of a single mom, assisting with laundry, clean up, and intentional time with her children, freeing up a few hours for her to run errands and spend some much needed quality time with Jesus.

“When I opened my door to 13 8th grade girls, with big smiles and cleaning supplies, I was a little humbled to know they were here to help me. I was worried there was someone else that would need service more. They told me to go enjoy some time by myself and they would take care of the kids. I enjoyed lunch alone with my bible. I went grocery shopping, ran some errands, and just enjoyed some breathing time. It is not time I get often lately as a single mom.  I came home to my apartment that was clean from top to bottom; they even did our laundry! My kids had a blast. They took them to a nearby park, played games, and made them feel special. When they left, I cried. God had blessed me so much with this sweet group of girls.  What a sweet gift!! Because everything was done in the house, I had time to spend the evening with my kids. That was the greatest gift ever. I am so grateful. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus for me and my children.” 

IMG_9824A number of the young ladies served at volunteer Dana Owen’s home, preparing ready to eat home cooked meals that are distributed to families in need, while another group served at the home of an elderly lady struggling with her health, leaving her home cluttered and dirty. They emptied, cleaned and repacked the fridge, organized the kitchen, cleaned the floors, cleaned the bathrooms, and dusted. These ladies worked fast and diligently, wherever help was needed.

IMG_9841A group of young men served at partner ministry, The Common Thread Community, removing nails from pallet wood for re-purposing, while a group of ladies served at Metro CME, another partner ministry of Grace Klein Community that serve with the monthly food delivery ministry. The ladies helped clean up at the church by sorting and organizing donated clothing from friends of Grace Klein Community. Metro CME plans to have a donation room, similar to our Give and Take room at the office.

With over 200 families in need, we were short of volunteers to distribute food boxes to families in need this month, through the monthly food delivery ministry. (We usually have a waiting list of over 20 individuals/families who are unable to receive a food box due to a shortage of volunteers.) Another group of youth served food delivery recipients throughout Birmingham by delivering much needed food to their homes, creating new friendships, and praying over the families. Our monthly food delivery ministry is a great way to get involved in the city of Birmingham, and help is always needed.

The cold weather was tough, but, with hard working hands, fellowship and prayer, a considerable amount was accomplished.

If you would like to schedule a serve day with your child’s sports team, youth group, your men’s group or a handful of friends, please email [email protected]. We always need more volunteers!

Hear the heartfelt testimony’s of volunteers who served this weekend:

“I loved serving this weekend! God personally revealed Himself to me by providing majority of the groceries we needed to cook meals for those in need (due to sickness, job loss, and those going through difficult days.) I also enjoyed seeing the teens eager to serve. My most favorite time was praying over the meals and Grace Klein Community after we finished cooking and cleaning. The Lord gave me the words to share with the girls about the needs around Birmingham. Furthermore, they were challenged to look for opportunities to share blessings with others AND appreciate every blessing. Saturday was a gift from Him!” – Dana Owens

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” – James 1:17

“In being a part of Serve Day, I felt as if I was observing and experiencing the Body of Christ in action. In my role as videographer, I saw students and leaders living out the teachings of Matthew 25:35-40, working diligently with a servant’s heart, preparing clothes, meals, painting, and cleaning, all in the service of those in need. It brought me even more joy to see some of the students rejoicing and worshipping as they completed their work, even expressing the will to do more! Truly, through the service of all involved, I believe God was glorified.” – Michael Kline

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” – Matthew 25: 35-40




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