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Bucks for Books Update

As you may be aware, Bucks for Books is on a mission to raise $130,000 to purchase a building in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa, to be used as a Library and Music Academy for underprivileged children and young adults. Over the course of 2 years, the Leadership Experience has been collecting various musical instruments for the music academy and books for the library.

The Buck book kids are challenging other young children to donate $1 to Bucks for Books towards the Library project which will assist in providing an education to children who have never had the privilege of such education.

IMG_3189March 9th, Abigail, 10 years old, donated $52 dollars towards the purchase of the Library. Abigail has been saving her allowance money over the last few months. At first she said she was saving for something at the mall, but she felt in her heart that she needed to donate the money to Bucks for Books. What a challenging and encouraging story! This young lady could have bought anything she wanted with this money, however she decided to donate it to Grace Klein Community to assist in providing an education for underprivileged children in South Africa.

Moms and dads, we’d love to encourage you to encourage your children to do the same!

Money can be mailed to 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL, 35126. Kindly mention that the donation is towards “Bucks for Books.”

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