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Connector of Commonalities

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Have you gone for a walk and met that one person that you ended up circling the track with and sharing your entire life story? You didn’t intend to regurgitate your entire life in thirty minutes, but you felt so safe you couldn’t help yourself. The walk turned into a “stranger” counseling session that had you laughing by the end.

MonicaSome people are connectors. God makes them to live so intentionally that they notice everyone around them and they can easily connect. They see the commonalities they share (with every person in the world!!) and they can go to those places within seconds of hello. One of our Grace Klein Community connectors is Monica McClendon. She’s magnetic, her life draws people to her and she instantly becomes your family.

If you haven’t met her, you will know the second you do. Connectors are so calming, thoughtful, engaging and others focused that we are draw to them. She’s someone that makes you feel safe in her presence and deeply wanted.

Grace Klein Community is better for having Monica as a connector of all our various volunteers. She will work up the courage to go feed the chickens and make a hilarious video about her experience. By facing her fears, we are encouraged to face ours.

MonicaWhen we had our Clays for Community event at Selwood Farms, she signed up to volunteer. Monica knew nothing about clay shooting, but she knows how to love people and she knew she could do that. Imagine how much fun the people had when they came through her station. No telling what they ended up sharing with her about their life or how much laughter she brought them for the few minutes she shared with every attendee. She came to connect and she delighted in watching the sunrise as she drove out to the farm and she thanked God for the beauty of His creation as she enjoyed the calm. That’s her. She’s focusing on what’s good.

monicaDuring the week she will be downstairs getting to know all the volunteers. She’s got a huge smile on her face and she’s connecting – connecting with people and helping them connect to each other. She may bring a friend along to help or just show up at Grace Klein Community to be a friend to the next person who walks through the door.

Something fun about Monica is she serves as quality control without anyone realizing she’s our “compliance officer.” She’s noticing what doesn’t look good and getting it out. She’s noticing what is amazing and encouraging people to enjoy. She’s noticing the one who needs a hug and running in for one. She’s calling out what does not make sense and suggesting a better way. She’s taking a break on the steps and noticing the box that is too bulky, the box that’s leaking and the empty box that needs to be in the recycle bin. Her ability to observe improves relationships and processes which makes her skill set vital to our community.

Everyone wants more of Monica. She’s vibrant and her joy is contagious. It’s like we are all raising our hands, jumping up and down; and saying “pick me” because we all want time with her. Maybe that’s why God makes people like Monica, because all that good in her is Jesus seeping out and He wants us to realize what we are wanting is more of Jesus!

And like Monica, He picks us, He loves us, He connects with us and He teaches us how to connect with others.

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” – 2 Corinthians 4:6-7

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Connector of Commonalities

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Have you gone for a walk and met that one person that you ended up circling the track with and sharing your entire life story? You didn’t intend to regurgitate your entire life in thirty minutes, but you felt so safe you couldn’t help yourself. The walk turned into a “stranger” counseling session that had you laughing by the end.

MonicaSome people are connectors. God makes them to live so intentionally that they notice everyone around them and they can easily connect. They see the commonalities they share (with every person in the world!!) and they can go to those places within seconds of hello. One of our Grace Klein Community connectors is Monica McClendon. She’s magnetic, her life draws people to her and she instantly becomes your family.

If you haven’t met her, you will know the second you do. Connectors are so calming, thoughtful, engaging and others focused that we are draw to them. She’s someone that makes you feel safe in her presence and deeply wanted.

Grace Klein Community is better for having Monica as a connector of all our various volunteers. She will work up the courage to go feed the chickens and make a hilarious video about her experience. By facing her fears, we are encouraged to face ours.

MonicaWhen we had our Clays for Community event at Selwood Farms, she signed up to volunteer. Monica knew nothing about clay shooting, but she knows how to love people and she knew she could do that. Imagine how much fun the people had when they came through her station. No telling what they ended up sharing with her about their life or how much laughter she brought them for the few minutes she shared with every attendee. She came to connect and she delighted in watching the sunrise as she drove out to the farm and she thanked God for the beauty of His creation as she enjoyed the calm. That’s her. She’s focusing on what’s good.

monicaDuring the week she will be downstairs getting to know all the volunteers. She’s got a huge smile on her face and she’s connecting – connecting with people and helping them connect to each other. She may bring a friend along to help or just show up at Grace Klein Community to be a friend to the next person who walks through the door.

Something fun about Monica is she serves as quality control without anyone realizing she’s our “compliance officer.” She’s noticing what doesn’t look good and getting it out. She’s noticing what is amazing and encouraging people to enjoy. She’s noticing the one who needs a hug and running in for one. She’s calling out what does not make sense and suggesting a better way. She’s taking a break on the steps and noticing the box that is too bulky, the box that’s leaking and the empty box that needs to be in the recycle bin. Her ability to observe improves relationships and processes which makes her skill set vital to our community.

Everyone wants more of Monica. She’s vibrant and her joy is contagious. It’s like we are all raising our hands, jumping up and down; and saying “pick me” because we all want time with her. Maybe that’s why God makes people like Monica, because all that good in her is Jesus seeping out and He wants us to realize what we are wanting is more of Jesus!

And like Monica, He picks us, He loves us, He connects with us and He teaches us how to connect with others.

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” – 2 Corinthians 4:6-7

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