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Cuddle Bug

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IMG_1046The greatness of a community comes from its members.

Having the diversity of age is a special treasure of Grace Klein Community. We challenge you to spend time with our kids. They are our teachers.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and hinder them not.” He loves children and the Word teaches us to be like children.

IMG_1045Meet one of our community “cuddle bugs,” Sophia Varvoutis. She’s a new follower of Jesus, prancing around in her dress, matching earrings and fancy shoes. She knows she’s beautiful, but now she’s learning how to be Jesus beautiful. She will plop herself in one of the single lady’s laps and hug them tight, holding on to their every word, without realizing she’s showing them great affection and pure love. She’s a listener, asking them questions and expecting answers. Her smile is just so as she treasures the people she loves.

1-IMG_1048-001Sophia is outspoken and prissy. She’s girly and confident. Her heart is full of nurturing and she will carry a baby (yes, a real one) on her hip like a professional. Sophia is good to play alone or with a pack of kids. She’s flexible and go-with-the-flow.

When the fried fish or the green beans or the hotdogs are served at camping week, she eats all of the options with the same thankfulness. She is content with the provision of that moment, not asking, “where is the ice cream sandwich or I could use a soda.” Veggies from the garden or food close to expiration fuel her hunger and she’s grateful not grumbly.

IMG_0658If we have an overflow of flowers, she’s willing to hand a stranger a bouquet with a smile. She’s ready to get up early for food delivery and distribute the apples or the onions into over 200 boxes. Maybe you catch a glimpse of her weeding at the office or jumping on the trampoline at prayer night. If you are invited to a dinner her folks host, she probably set the table, swept the floor or helped prep some food.

We have much to learn from our “kid” friends. Are we watching how they live? Jesus may want us to start emulating their lives. Here’s a few ways Sophia is our teacher…

  1. Contentment – stop looking for the next best thing, delight in the right now, pick the sunflower, watch the birds, play in the sand, go swimming, wear earrings, eat the leftovers and enjoy them, be beautiful
  2. Jesus beauty – we don’t have to wear fancy clothing, makeup, cool shoes to be beautiful. We can wear all that and look good if we want, but our beauty comes from inside. Are we loving people and is that love seeping out of us? Is our posture a “cuddle bug” and a listener? When we start looking good is when we start looking like Jesus.
  3. Adequate to Contribute – we don’t need a training class, a checking account or material possessions to give our lives. We pray, show up and give as the Spirit leads us. We are adequate through Jesus and following Him is enough. He refines us and makes us useful for His purposes.
  4. Be a Learner – ask questions, observe, try new things, jump in to what you don’t know or understand, trust the one who has experience in the areas where you are green, listen more than you talk
  5. Share – yea, if a little girl can hand a stranger some flowers with a smile, you can too. Think of what you have that you don’t need and give it away. Share from the abundance that our Father lavishes on us. Give your time, your positive attitude, your laughter, your encouragement, your tears, your money, your stuff, your life. And receive it back, let the friend hug you, take the frozen meal, receive the money to help cover your power bill, take the compliment, accept the flowers.

Thanks Sophia for teaching us real life lessons on how to be more like Jesus. Keep growing and looking more like the One who gave His life for you! You make us better together!

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14


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Cuddle Bug

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IMG_1046The greatness of a community comes from its members.

Having the diversity of age is a special treasure of Grace Klein Community. We challenge you to spend time with our kids. They are our teachers.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and hinder them not.” He loves children and the Word teaches us to be like children.

IMG_1045Meet one of our community “cuddle bugs,” Sophia Varvoutis. She’s a new follower of Jesus, prancing around in her dress, matching earrings and fancy shoes. She knows she’s beautiful, but now she’s learning how to be Jesus beautiful. She will plop herself in one of the single lady’s laps and hug them tight, holding on to their every word, without realizing she’s showing them great affection and pure love. She’s a listener, asking them questions and expecting answers. Her smile is just so as she treasures the people she loves.

1-IMG_1048-001Sophia is outspoken and prissy. She’s girly and confident. Her heart is full of nurturing and she will carry a baby (yes, a real one) on her hip like a professional. Sophia is good to play alone or with a pack of kids. She’s flexible and go-with-the-flow.

When the fried fish or the green beans or the hotdogs are served at camping week, she eats all of the options with the same thankfulness. She is content with the provision of that moment, not asking, “where is the ice cream sandwich or I could use a soda.” Veggies from the garden or food close to expiration fuel her hunger and she’s grateful not grumbly.

IMG_0658If we have an overflow of flowers, she’s willing to hand a stranger a bouquet with a smile. She’s ready to get up early for food delivery and distribute the apples or the onions into over 200 boxes. Maybe you catch a glimpse of her weeding at the office or jumping on the trampoline at prayer night. If you are invited to a dinner her folks host, she probably set the table, swept the floor or helped prep some food.

We have much to learn from our “kid” friends. Are we watching how they live? Jesus may want us to start emulating their lives. Here’s a few ways Sophia is our teacher…

  1. Contentment – stop looking for the next best thing, delight in the right now, pick the sunflower, watch the birds, play in the sand, go swimming, wear earrings, eat the leftovers and enjoy them, be beautiful
  2. Jesus beauty – we don’t have to wear fancy clothing, makeup, cool shoes to be beautiful. We can wear all that and look good if we want, but our beauty comes from inside. Are we loving people and is that love seeping out of us? Is our posture a “cuddle bug” and a listener? When we start looking good is when we start looking like Jesus.
  3. Adequate to Contribute – we don’t need a training class, a checking account or material possessions to give our lives. We pray, show up and give as the Spirit leads us. We are adequate through Jesus and following Him is enough. He refines us and makes us useful for His purposes.
  4. Be a Learner – ask questions, observe, try new things, jump in to what you don’t know or understand, trust the one who has experience in the areas where you are green, listen more than you talk
  5. Share – yea, if a little girl can hand a stranger some flowers with a smile, you can too. Think of what you have that you don’t need and give it away. Share from the abundance that our Father lavishes on us. Give your time, your positive attitude, your laughter, your encouragement, your tears, your money, your stuff, your life. And receive it back, let the friend hug you, take the frozen meal, receive the money to help cover your power bill, take the compliment, accept the flowers.

Thanks Sophia for teaching us real life lessons on how to be more like Jesus. Keep growing and looking more like the One who gave His life for you! You make us better together!

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14


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