Birthdays- Children always look forward to their birthdays and it was not any different from our smiley Anna who celebrated her 11th birthday on December 16th, 2021. Everyone was looking forward to enjoying the birthday cake and enjoying the treats because it was the last birthday to be celebrated in 2021.

SCHOOLS – Non-examination classes ended on December 2nd, 2021. Linto and Austin began their 9th grade examinations on November 26th and ended on December 7th. Charity began writing her 7th grade examinations in December, while Eustus received an admission to the university in Lusaka.
CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS –– Christmas celebrations are always fun and filled with love. The children had their Christmas party on December 24th and like always, they were in charge of the whole program with poems, dances and songs to celebrate the birth of Christ.

In the month of December, the school had few activities because the students were supposed to go on break. The school closed in December 2021, and it was scheduled to open in January 2022. Regardless of the closure of the school, there were activities that happened after the closure.
On December 3rd, the school had a Christmas party. This made the children from the school to feel loved. On this day, the kids were given presents, and they had a delicious meal which they enjoyed. Besides that, they also had different performances such as poems, cultural dances and contemporary dances.
Apart from having Christmas party in December, it’s the same month were the 7th graders who were in examination class began their final exams. It was interesting for them, and they always gave positive outcomes after the exams. As the school, we hope for the best even as the results are released.

DONATIONS– This month of December we received some donations from some well-wishers from within the community. Shoprite-Livingstone as well gave us some perishable food items which we are thankful for.

CLINIC PROJECT– The clinic work is still on going and we are busy finishing the toilets and putting of a concrete floor on the clinic.

KWATHU FARMS– November went by quickly as there were plenty of small projects concerning building of the farmhouse. The following are small projects we pursued and now completed:
- Roofing of the farmhouse together with ridges
- Plastering inside and outside the house
- Fitting of the main security doors
- Fitting in window seals and reviews
- Fitting in glass panes, handles and stays on all the windows
- Building of the septic tank and installing a second water tank stand
All these works have been done bringing the house construction to 90% to date.

OUR NEEDS LIST: Contact us at [email protected]
- School Bus (US $20,000)
- Pencils, crayons, sharpeners, calculators, pens e.tc.
- Clothes for ages 2-6
- 2-ton trailer