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Early Seekers

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A sweet group of grandmothers began meeting in a home to pray for their grandchildren on a weekly basis. They began wondering how or where they could get involved to serve the community together. When hearing about Grace Klein Community and their hearts for those in need, the ladies felt this was the place to get involved. These ladies have faithfully served, with joyous hearts, on a monthly basis for the past 3 to 4 years.

Every third Thursday, they come to the Grace Klein Community office to prepare the non-perishable portion of the food boxes for monthly food delivery. They also help with special events, such as hosting a ladies valentines night, hosting fellowships with visiting missionaries and preparing desserts for community nights. Grace Klein Community collects items for their mission projects which include Operation Christmas Child, Lovelady Glory Night, and the sewing outreaches in Uganda with Four Corners Ministries.

We are incredibly grateful for their availability and servant hearts as they continue to serve with great love, through Christ alone.

Thank you Gwen Bosworth, Donna Kendrick, Carole Cooper, Zonia Waltman, Ruby Morris and the rest of the early seeker crew for your continued efforts to serve with Grace Klein Community. We appreciate your precious hearts. You set such a great example for us all.

“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

– Mother Teresa

Early Seekers

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Early Seekers

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A sweet group of grandmothers began meeting in a home to pray for their grandchildren on a weekly basis. They began wondering how or where they could get involved to serve the community together. When hearing about Grace Klein Community and their hearts for those in need, the ladies felt this was the place to get involved. These ladies have faithfully served, with joyous hearts, on a monthly basis for the past 3 to 4 years.

Every third Thursday, they come to the Grace Klein Community office to prepare the non-perishable portion of the food boxes for monthly food delivery. They also help with special events, such as hosting a ladies valentines night, hosting fellowships with visiting missionaries and preparing desserts for community nights. Grace Klein Community collects items for their mission projects which include Operation Christmas Child, Lovelady Glory Night, and the sewing outreaches in Uganda with Four Corners Ministries.

We are incredibly grateful for their availability and servant hearts as they continue to serve with great love, through Christ alone.

Thank you Gwen Bosworth, Donna Kendrick, Carole Cooper, Zonia Waltman, Ruby Morris and the rest of the early seeker crew for your continued efforts to serve with Grace Klein Community. We appreciate your precious hearts. You set such a great example for us all.

“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

– Mother Teresa

Early Seekers

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