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FBC Pelham Youth Serve Day 2015

When a bus of students arrive at our office, we always get excited. On August 5, 2015, a large group of teenagers from FBC Pelham got busy for Jesus.

A few months back, we received a large donation of rocks. We needed the rocks moved from the front yard to the back yard. One group grabbed wheelbarrows and, with joy, moved rocks for hours. They even found a rock in the shape of Alabama as their souvenir to remember Serve Day.

Another group helped build supports and cover an area with netting, so the chickens could wander outside their house. One volunteer cleaned the chicken coop. Of course, many of them also held the chickens and gave some extra love.

Frozen MealsOne group stayed back at the Pelham church to prepare frozen meals and they came to the Grace Klein Community office, at the end of the day, with 24 meals! Many of you, in the community, donated the ingredients for these meals. Now, if you know someone who needs a meal, you can come by the office, grab a ready-made meal from the freezer and deliver it to family. How cool is community!? Never matters who gets the credit.

Jessica coordinated the Give and Take Room and the before and after picture speaks volumes to what they accomplished. Now the teenagers know where to get some “new” clothing to stretch their resources for Kingdom investments.

Diana is a new friend from The Church at Shelby Crossings and she took pictures and managed the order of the donated food and non-perishables like “a boss!” They cleaned bins, sorted food into categories and made order look pretty.

ejbtqmuMaqSA3Wq96KZPom3vy1lWjOpHO_H_5k8kAIc,mHwDaxaEn3xwPJ8-SbTeEcEdE0K95MN4_PkOWNUok78Let’s not forget the garden weeding group that weeded the garden in an hour. What an example of how six people can accomplish more in an hour, than one person could do in a day. In case anyone needed more evidence that we are better together.

Further groups organized and loaded donated furniture, cut apart pallets for a project at the community house, washed dishes, alphabetized volunteer releases, swept floors, cleaned tarps and mowed grass.

Wow, hopefully the pictures give this day the accolades it deserves. Grace Klein Community, Inc. is thankful to share life and serve Jesus with the FBC Pelham youth.

Some of the teenagers share what they learned through serving….

“God showed me that we need to help others. It is amazing to think about all of the families that we will bless by what we did today.” – Kelsey

“God showed me that I have more than I need.” -Molly Grace

“God showed me that even though it feels like hell outside, having a good attitude, and realizing that what you’re doing will ultimately bring God glory, will end up bringing Joy in your life.” – Taylor

“God showed me missions isn’t always walking around sharing the love of Christ or news of Christ, but serving in ways that make that easier to accomplish.” – Rachel

Mediate on what Samuel said to the people, his reminders to them and his encouragement to serve God faithfully with all their hearts. Let us take heed these words and apply them to our lives. Serving from grace.

“And Samuel said to the people, “Do not be afraid; you have done all this evil. Yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver, for they are empty. For the Lord will not forsake his people, for his great name’s sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make you a people for himself. Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you, and I will instruct you in the good and the right way. Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.”

– 1 Samuel 12:20-24



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FBC Pelham Youth Serve Day 2015

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When a bus of students arrive at our office, we always get excited. On August 5, 2015, a large group of teenagers from FBC Pelham got busy for Jesus.

A few months back, we received a large donation of rocks. We needed the rocks moved from the front yard to the back yard. One group grabbed wheelbarrows and, with joy, moved rocks for hours. They even found a rock in the shape of Alabama as their souvenir to remember Serve Day.

Another group helped build supports and cover an area with netting, so the chickens could wander outside their house. One volunteer cleaned the chicken coop. Of course, many of them also held the chickens and gave some extra love.

Frozen MealsOne group stayed back at the Pelham church to prepare frozen meals and they came to the Grace Klein Community office, at the end of the day, with 24 meals! Many of you, in the community, donated the ingredients for these meals. Now, if you know someone who needs a meal, you can come by the office, grab a ready-made meal from the freezer and deliver it to family. How cool is community!? Never matters who gets the credit.

Jessica coordinated the Give and Take Room and the before and after picture speaks volumes to what they accomplished. Now the teenagers know where to get some “new” clothing to stretch their resources for Kingdom investments.

Diana is a new friend from The Church at Shelby Crossings and she took pictures and managed the order of the donated food and non-perishables like “a boss!” They cleaned bins, sorted food into categories and made order look pretty.

ejbtqmuMaqSA3Wq96KZPom3vy1lWjOpHO_H_5k8kAIc,mHwDaxaEn3xwPJ8-SbTeEcEdE0K95MN4_PkOWNUok78Let’s not forget the garden weeding group that weeded the garden in an hour. What an example of how six people can accomplish more in an hour, than one person could do in a day. In case anyone needed more evidence that we are better together.

Further groups organized and loaded donated furniture, cut apart pallets for a project at the community house, washed dishes, alphabetized volunteer releases, swept floors, cleaned tarps and mowed grass.

Wow, hopefully the pictures give this day the accolades it deserves. Grace Klein Community, Inc. is thankful to share life and serve Jesus with the FBC Pelham youth.

Some of the teenagers share what they learned through serving….

“God showed me that we need to help others. It is amazing to think about all of the families that we will bless by what we did today.” – Kelsey

“God showed me that I have more than I need.” -Molly Grace

“God showed me that even though it feels like hell outside, having a good attitude, and realizing that what you’re doing will ultimately bring God glory, will end up bringing Joy in your life.” – Taylor

“God showed me missions isn’t always walking around sharing the love of Christ or news of Christ, but serving in ways that make that easier to accomplish.” – Rachel

Mediate on what Samuel said to the people, his reminders to them and his encouragement to serve God faithfully with all their hearts. Let us take heed these words and apply them to our lives. Serving from grace.

“And Samuel said to the people, “Do not be afraid; you have done all this evil. Yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver, for they are empty. For the Lord will not forsake his people, for his great name’s sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make you a people for himself. Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you, and I will instruct you in the good and the right way. Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.”

– 1 Samuel 12:20-24



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