When you wake up every day and remember your organization is feeding 10,000+ people every month, you pray about food. And you pray A LOT.
The prayers consist of…
Who can be a food donor?
Please God send funds.
Inspire groups to collect food.
Fill our box truck with food.
Send volunteers.
We need more helping hands.
Who do YOU want us to ask to host a food drive?
God moves the hearts of His people and the bodies of His people into action to feed His people. We see the fruit over and over and over again. And we worship Jesus.
In December, we were blown away by food collections. Rocky Ridge Elementary school and South Shades Crest Elementary surprised us with a non-perishable food drive. How incredible?!!!
Girl Scout Troop 26325, Liberty Church and Green Clean also all contributed non-perishable food to help stock our shelves.
Then Boy Scout Troop 23 called us on Saturday, December 15, 2018, to deliver 163 brown grocery bags full of non-perishable items to our office. Volunteers worked all day Monday and Tuesday sorting, organizing and shelving all the non-perishable donations.
Other food donations included party leftovers from an AllSouth Appliances ladies night, 150+ Panera Bread meals and 200+ chick-fil-a chicken biscuits and popcorn shared from the leftovers of the Freedom Conference at Church of the Highlands Grandview, lettuce and mushrooms from our organic farmer partner, more popcorn from the Giving Hope Outreach from Church of the Highlands Grandview, and our normal 15 weekly food rescue pickups. Strong Arm Ministry Food Bank of Albertville, AL, also shared with us two pallets (348 bags) of frozen chicken nuggets that is a miraculous supplement to our food boxes as we were not able to purchase enough meat for our food boxes. God always creatively does it!
We were even blessed with a coat drive through the Knights of Columbus Council 11537 of Prince of Peace Catholic Parish, Hoover, AL, which provided 19 coats to some of our precious community kiddos.
As a community, we are vast, diverse and strong. Together we make one another better.
With all our hearts, we thank every individual, group, business, everyone for choosing to be a part of Grace Klein Community. What a blessing to know each of you and to share life together. Jesus is giving us a taste of the oneness He prayed for us.
“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one.” – John 17:22