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For the Children

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BelizeAbout a year ago, many friends in the community came together to raise funds for a small elementary school in Belize, Zion Park Elementary. The principal there, Ruth Williams, had been sacrificing to fund the daily lunch program herself after a long-time donor was no longer able to give. She shared her burden with a Grace Klein Community team that went to Belize and asked them to pray that God would provide funding so that the kids could have a consistent, nutritious lunch every day. For many, it would be their only full meal in a typical day. Many friends gave to help the school and these funds were enough to cover two full school years of lunches! Through Grace Klein Community’s partnership with ZIMM ministry in Florida, we sent the final funds to Ms. Ruth this month. She and her staff were extremely grateful for this relief. Not only has it freed up financial resources, it has given them time to come up with ways for the teachers and students to raise their own funds so that the school can sustain itself for years to come. Thank you for your generosity!

Belize 1We are all Better Together to know a principal like Ms. Ruth Williams who gives her life to care for the children in her care. She knows that hungry children struggle to learn, but children who have food to eat will thrive. Ms. Williams’ example gives us a serious question to ponder… If we were the principal of a school, would we feed our entire student population, out of our own pocket, when the school funds ran dry?

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” – 1 John 3:16


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For the Children

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BelizeAbout a year ago, many friends in the community came together to raise funds for a small elementary school in Belize, Zion Park Elementary. The principal there, Ruth Williams, had been sacrificing to fund the daily lunch program herself after a long-time donor was no longer able to give. She shared her burden with a Grace Klein Community team that went to Belize and asked them to pray that God would provide funding so that the kids could have a consistent, nutritious lunch every day. For many, it would be their only full meal in a typical day. Many friends gave to help the school and these funds were enough to cover two full school years of lunches! Through Grace Klein Community’s partnership with ZIMM ministry in Florida, we sent the final funds to Ms. Ruth this month. She and her staff were extremely grateful for this relief. Not only has it freed up financial resources, it has given them time to come up with ways for the teachers and students to raise their own funds so that the school can sustain itself for years to come. Thank you for your generosity!

Belize 1We are all Better Together to know a principal like Ms. Ruth Williams who gives her life to care for the children in her care. She knows that hungry children struggle to learn, but children who have food to eat will thrive. Ms. Williams’ example gives us a serious question to ponder… If we were the principal of a school, would we feed our entire student population, out of our own pocket, when the school funds ran dry?

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” – 1 John 3:16


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